发布时间:2017-04-11 02:12
【摘要】: 思维方式主要由知识、观念、方法、智力、情感、意志,语言和习惯这八大要素组成。(陈新夏等,1988:504)。思维方式与语言密切相关:语言是思维的主要工具,是思维方式的构成要素;思维以一定的方式体现出来,表现于某种语言形式之中。思维方式的差异,正是造成语言差异的一个重要原因。语言的使用体现思维的选择和创造。 季羡林先生曾说:“东西方文化的区别就在于中西思维方式,思维方式不一样,在于中西思维方式的基础不同。”在中西思维方式的差异方面,中外许多学者认同这样的观点:中国人注重运用综合思维、形象思维、主体思维等思维方式,而西方人更偏重于分析思维、抽象逻辑思维与客体思维。本论文尝试性地比较分析了中英思维方式的六种差异:综合思维与分析思维、形象思维与抽象思维、迂回思维与直线思维、主体思维与客体思维、直觉思维和理性思维,及集体思维和个体思维。造成这些差异的原因是多方面的,例如,地理位置与自然环境、经济因素,哲学与语言因素等。本论文随后从句子结构、信息组合以及篇章结构方面分析了中英思维方式差异影响下的语言现象。 最后,本论文搜集了英汉散文各二十篇,对所搜集的语料进行定量分析,通过对汉英散文中一些语言现象的分析,验证了中英思维方式对语言的影响。
【关键词】:中英思维方式 语言 语言表达形式 散文
- Abstract8-10
- 摘要10-11
- List of Tables11-12
- List of Figures12-13
- Chapter 1 Introduction13-16
- Chapter 2 Literature Review16-27
- 2.1 Thought and Thought Pattern16-17
- 2.2 The Studies on Thought Patterns17-22
- 2.2.1 Karl Pribram's Theory17-19
- Nominalistic Reasoning18
- Universalistic Reasoning18
- Dialectical Reasoning18-19
- Intuitional Reasoning19
- 2.2.2 Studies of Robert Kaplan19-21
- 2.2.3 Opinions of Chinese Taoism21-22
- 2.3 Thought and Language22-27
- 2.3.1 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis23-24
- 2.3.2 Piaget's Cognitive Hypothesis24-25
- 2.3.3 Traditional Chinese Opinions25-27
- Chapter 3 Contrastive Studies of Chinese and English Thought Patterns27-41
- 3.1 The Comparison between Chinese and English Thought Patterns27-35
- 3.1.1 Synthetic Thought Pattern and Analytic Thought Pattern27-29
- 3.1.2 Imaginative Thought Pattern and Abstract Thought Pattern29-30
- 3.1.3 Circular Thought Pattern and Linear Thought Pattern30-31
- 3.1.4 Subjective Thought Pattern and Objective Thought Pattern31-32
- 3.1.5 Intuitional Thought Pattern and Rational Thought Pattern32-33
- 3.1.6 Collectivistic Thought Pattern and Individualistic Thought Pattern33-34
- 3.1.7 Additional Remarks on the Above Issues34-35
- 3.2 Reasons for Different Thought Patterns35-41
- 3.2.1 Geographical Location and Natural Environment36-37
- 3.2.2 Economic Factors37-38
- 3.2.3 Philosophy38-39
- 3.2.4 Language39-41
- Chapter 4 Reflections of Chinese and English Thought Patterns on Language Expressive Forms41-50
- 4.1 Thought Patterns and Sentence Structures41-43
- 4.2 Thought Patterns and Alignment of Information43-46
- 4.2.1 English Peacock Pattern and Chinese Lion Pattern43-44
- 4.2.2 English Anticlockwise Order and Chinese Clockwise Order44
- 4.2.3 Thought Patterns and Diction44-46
- 4.3 Thought Patterns and Discourse Patterns46-50
- 4.3.1 Circular and Linear46-47
- 4.3.2 Subjectivity and Objectivity47-48
- 4.3.3 Parataxis and Unity48-50
- Chapter 5 The Influence of Chinese and English Thought Patterns on Essay Writing:An Empirical Study50-76
- 5.1 Research Questions50-51
- 5.2 Methodology51-53
- 5.2.1 Sample Essays51
- 5.2.2 Data Collection51-52
- 5.2.3 Methods52-53
- 5.3 Findings and Discussions53-76
- 5.3.1 The Differences of Sentence Structures in Chinese and English Essays53-60
- The Use of Prepositions53-55
- The Use of Conjunctions and Relative Words55-57
- The Use of First-Person Pronouns57-60
- 5.3.2 The Difference of Alignment of Information60-62
- 5.3.3 The Differences of Discourse Patterns in Chinese and English Essays62-75
- Passive Voice Sentences62-66
- The Use of Impersonal Subject,Personal Subject and Subject-Omitted/Subjectless66-68
- The Location of the Topic Sentences68-75
- 5.3.4 Summary75-76
- Chapter 6 Conclusion76-78
- References78-82
- Appendix82-84
- Acknowledgements84-85
- 学位论文评阅及答辩情况表85
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1 徐燕杰;从思维差异角度分析非英专业学生英语书面语错误[D];东北财经大学;2011年
2 付海霞;科技期刊英汉摘要转述动词的对比研究[D];鲁东大学;2013年