发布时间:2021-01-27 07:31
【文章页数】:65 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Overview of the study
1.2 Need of the study
1.3 Overall structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Key terms and basic concepts
2.1.1 Definition of stock
2.1.2 Definition of the invariance principle
2.1.3 Definition of target domain overrides
2.1.4 Definition of conceptual metaphor
2.1.5 Differences between conceptual metaphors and metaphorical expressions
2.1.6 Classification of conceptual metaphor
2.2 Theoretical framework—conceptual metaphor theory
2.2.1 The philosophical basis of conceptual metaphor theory: experientialism
2.2.2 The cognitive basis of conceptual metaphor theory: image schema
2.2.3 Working mechanism of cognitive metaphor theory: mapping
2.3 Review of the previous studies
2.3.1 Previous studies of conceptual metaphor
2.3.2 Previous studies of stock terms
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Sources of data
3.2 Methodology
Chapter Four Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Human Being Metaphor
4.1.1 Data analysis
4.1.2 Mappings from human being domain to stock domain
4.2 Animal Metaphor
4.2.1 Data analysis
4.2.2 Mappings from animal domain to stock domain
4.3 Building Metaphor
4.3.1 Data analysis
4.3.2 Mappings from building domain to stock domain
4.4 Color Metaphor
4.4.1 Data analysis
4.4.2 Mappings from color domain to stock domain
4.5 Cooking & Food Metaphor
4.5.1 Data analysis
4.5.2 Mappings from cooking & food domain to stock domain
4.6 Motion Metaphor
4.6.1 Data analysis
4.6.2 Mappings from motion domain to stock domain
4.7 Love Metaphor
4.7.1 Data analysis
4.7.2 Mappings from love domain to stock domain
4.8 Game Metaphor
4.8.1 Data analysis
4.8.2 Mappings from game domain to stock domain
4.9 War Metaphor
4.9.1 Data analysis
4.9.2 Mappings from war domain to stock domain
4.10 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion of the present study
5.2 Pedagogical implications
5.3 Limitations of the study
5.4 Suggestions for further research
[1]隐喻对股市报道传播效果的影响[J]. 王慧娟. 今传媒. 2008(10)
[2]隐喻研究的三个层次与主要领域[J]. 刘正光. 外语学刊. 2007(03)
[3]试论现代汉语股市语言的基本特征[J]. 张友宁. 商场现代化. 2005(09)
[4]Cognitive Linguistics:What It Means and Where It Is Going[J]. George Lakoff. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2005(02)
[5]股市行话的构成及语用分析[J]. 王月会,王建华. 修辞学习. 2005(02)
[6]中国隐喻研究十年综述[J]. 张全生. 新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2004(03)
[7]George Lakoff语言理论的发展历程[J]. 刘宇红. 山东外语教学. 2002(05)
[8]隐喻研究中的若干问题与研究课题[J]. 束定芳,汤本庆. 外语研究. 2002(02)
[9]认知语言学的哲学基础:体验哲学[J]. 王寅. 外语教学与研究. 2002(02)
[10]隐喻研究的基本现状、焦点及趋势[J]. 林书武. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2002(01)
[1]从认知语言学的视角看英语经济语篇中的隐喻[D]. 黄小玮.东华大学 2007
[2]《我们依以生活的隐喻》导读[D]. 王佳祺.华东师范大学 2007
[3]网络隐喻的认知研究[D]. 杜杰华.西南大学 2007
[4]现代汉语股市用语研究[D]. 胡慧.四川大学 2007
[5]中国英语专业学生的隐喻能力研究[D]. 王瑾.扬州大学 2006
[6]股票用语泛化论[D]. 张辉.武汉大学 2005
[7]英汉经济语篇中的概念隐喻研究[D]. 胡文捷.湖南师范大学 2005
【文章页数】:65 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Overview of the study
1.2 Need of the study
1.3 Overall structure of the thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Key terms and basic concepts
2.1.1 Definition of stock
2.1.2 Definition of the invariance principle
2.1.3 Definition of target domain overrides
2.1.4 Definition of conceptual metaphor
2.1.5 Differences between conceptual metaphors and metaphorical expressions
2.1.6 Classification of conceptual metaphor
2.2 Theoretical framework—conceptual metaphor theory
2.2.1 The philosophical basis of conceptual metaphor theory: experientialism
2.2.2 The cognitive basis of conceptual metaphor theory: image schema
2.2.3 Working mechanism of cognitive metaphor theory: mapping
2.3 Review of the previous studies
2.3.1 Previous studies of conceptual metaphor
2.3.2 Previous studies of stock terms
Chapter Three Methodology
3.1 Sources of data
3.2 Methodology
Chapter Four Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Human Being Metaphor
4.1.1 Data analysis
4.1.2 Mappings from human being domain to stock domain
4.2 Animal Metaphor
4.2.1 Data analysis
4.2.2 Mappings from animal domain to stock domain
4.3 Building Metaphor
4.3.1 Data analysis
4.3.2 Mappings from building domain to stock domain
4.4 Color Metaphor
4.4.1 Data analysis
4.4.2 Mappings from color domain to stock domain
4.5 Cooking & Food Metaphor
4.5.1 Data analysis
4.5.2 Mappings from cooking & food domain to stock domain
4.6 Motion Metaphor
4.6.1 Data analysis
4.6.2 Mappings from motion domain to stock domain
4.7 Love Metaphor
4.7.1 Data analysis
4.7.2 Mappings from love domain to stock domain
4.8 Game Metaphor
4.8.1 Data analysis
4.8.2 Mappings from game domain to stock domain
4.9 War Metaphor
4.9.1 Data analysis
4.9.2 Mappings from war domain to stock domain
4.10 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion of the present study
5.2 Pedagogical implications
5.3 Limitations of the study
5.4 Suggestions for further research
[1]隐喻对股市报道传播效果的影响[J]. 王慧娟. 今传媒. 2008(10)
[2]隐喻研究的三个层次与主要领域[J]. 刘正光. 外语学刊. 2007(03)
[3]试论现代汉语股市语言的基本特征[J]. 张友宁. 商场现代化. 2005(09)
[4]Cognitive Linguistics:What It Means and Where It Is Going[J]. George Lakoff. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2005(02)
[5]股市行话的构成及语用分析[J]. 王月会,王建华. 修辞学习. 2005(02)
[6]中国隐喻研究十年综述[J]. 张全生. 新疆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2004(03)
[7]George Lakoff语言理论的发展历程[J]. 刘宇红. 山东外语教学. 2002(05)
[8]隐喻研究中的若干问题与研究课题[J]. 束定芳,汤本庆. 外语研究. 2002(02)
[9]认知语言学的哲学基础:体验哲学[J]. 王寅. 外语教学与研究. 2002(02)
[10]隐喻研究的基本现状、焦点及趋势[J]. 林书武. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2002(01)
[1]从认知语言学的视角看英语经济语篇中的隐喻[D]. 黄小玮.东华大学 2007
[2]《我们依以生活的隐喻》导读[D]. 王佳祺.华东师范大学 2007
[3]网络隐喻的认知研究[D]. 杜杰华.西南大学 2007
[4]现代汉语股市用语研究[D]. 胡慧.四川大学 2007
[5]中国英语专业学生的隐喻能力研究[D]. 王瑾.扬州大学 2006
[6]股票用语泛化论[D]. 张辉.武汉大学 2005
[7]英汉经济语篇中的概念隐喻研究[D]. 胡文捷.湖南师范大学 2005