发布时间:2021-03-10 02:46
《中国日报》是我国对外传播的重要媒介手段,其头版新闻是该报价值和行文风格的集中体现,其相关研究意义深远。结合语言学和新闻学的相关理论,本论文对《中国日报》头版新闻在标题、导语和正文三个部分所呈现的文体特征进行语用分析。为了确保研究的信度和效度,本文以2010年3月1日改版后的《中国日报》头版新闻作为语料库,选取3月至8月间共600篇文章,运用Microsoft Word和SPSS等工具,采取定量和定性相结合的研究方法分析这些新闻语篇的语用文体效果。本研究主体分为三部分。第一部分回顾新闻英语和《中国日报》的相关研究,并引出语用文体学理论;第二部分针对《中国日报》头版新闻标题、导语、和正文的文体特征进行定量分析。标题因其对整个新闻语篇具有提纲挈领和吸引读者的语用功能,其句式、遣词、省略等方面的特点毫无疑问成为研究重点。导语的作用在于快速报道新闻内容,突出重点,这就决定了导语结构、句型、主语的选择。正文要为新闻提供背景材料和直接证据来保证其真实性和可读性,引语、语篇衔接模式和背景材料的插入方式自然成为值得探讨的文体标记;第三部分从新闻写作和语言学的角度对这些文体特征进行语用分析,指出该报头版...
【文章来源】:武汉理工大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:59 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 Data collection and methodology
1.3 Layout of the paper
Chapter Two Related literature and theoretical framework
2.1 Journalistic English
2.1.1 Related researches into journalistic English
2.1.2 Research on China Daily
2.2 Introduction to pragmastylistics
2.2.1 Review of style and stylistics
2.2.2 Stylistic features and its analysis procedure
2.2.3 Pragmastylistics
Chapter Three Stylistic analysis of China Daily's top news
3.1 Stylistic markers of the headlines
3.1.1 Short words,abbreviations and words number
3.1.2 Tenses and ellipsis
3.2 Stylistic features of the news leads
3.2.1 Sentence length and S-V-O structure
3.2.2 Choices of subjects
3.2.3 News sources and report time
3.3 Stylistic characteristics of the news body
3.3.1 Sentence length and structures
3.3.2 The use of speeches
3.3.3 Cohesive devices
Chapter Four Pragmatic appraisal to the top news writing
4.1 Pragmatic interpretation of the stylistic features
4.1.1 News headlines
4.1.2 News leads
4.1.3 News body
4.2 Desirable improvements in the top news writing
4.2.1 Openness and transparency
4.2.2 Language level
4.2.3 Writing technique
4.3 Suggestions for the existing problems
4.3.1 The choice of themes
4.3.2 Tryout on language refinement
4.3.3 Penetration into detail description
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Limitations and expectations
【文章来源】:武汉理工大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:59 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 Data collection and methodology
1.3 Layout of the paper
Chapter Two Related literature and theoretical framework
2.1 Journalistic English
2.1.1 Related researches into journalistic English
2.1.2 Research on China Daily
2.2 Introduction to pragmastylistics
2.2.1 Review of style and stylistics
2.2.2 Stylistic features and its analysis procedure
2.2.3 Pragmastylistics
Chapter Three Stylistic analysis of China Daily's top news
3.1 Stylistic markers of the headlines
3.1.1 Short words,abbreviations and words number
3.1.2 Tenses and ellipsis
3.2 Stylistic features of the news leads
3.2.1 Sentence length and S-V-O structure
3.2.2 Choices of subjects
3.2.3 News sources and report time
3.3 Stylistic characteristics of the news body
3.3.1 Sentence length and structures
3.3.2 The use of speeches
3.3.3 Cohesive devices
Chapter Four Pragmatic appraisal to the top news writing
4.1 Pragmatic interpretation of the stylistic features
4.1.1 News headlines
4.1.2 News leads
4.1.3 News body
4.2 Desirable improvements in the top news writing
4.2.1 Openness and transparency
4.2.2 Language level
4.2.3 Writing technique
4.3 Suggestions for the existing problems
4.3.1 The choice of themes
4.3.2 Tryout on language refinement
4.3.3 Penetration into detail description
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Limitations and expectations