发布时间:2021-03-23 15:18
【文章来源】:天津大学天津市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:58 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Organization of the Study
ChapterⅡLiterature Review
2.1 Issues on Discourse Markers
2.1.1 Definitions of Discourse Markers
2.1.2 Various Perspectives on Discourse Markers
2.2 Issues on Debate
2.2.1 The Definition and Classification of Debate
2.2.2 The History of Presidential Debate
ChapterⅢ Theoretical Framework
3.1 Relevance Theory
3.2 Politeness Theory
3.3 Adaptation Theory
Chapter Ⅳ Analysis of Discourse Markers in Presidential Debate
4.1 Data Preparation
4.2 Quantitative Results for the Importance of Discourse Markers in Presidential Debate
4.3 Different Functions of Discourse Markers in Presidential Debate
4.3.1 Elaborative Discourse Markers
4.3.2 Contrastive Discourse Markers
4.3.3 Sequential Discourse Markers
4.3.4 Cause and Effect Discourse Markers
4.3.5 Attitudinal Discourse Markers
4.3.6 Tactic Discourse Markers
4.3.7 Emphasis Discourse Markers
4.4 Choice of Discourse Markers in Presidential Debate
4.4.1 Discourse Markers Based on Relevance Theory
4.4.2 Discourse Markers Based on Politeness Theory
4.4.3 Discourse Markers Based on Adaptation Theory
ChapterⅤ Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the Study
5.2 Limitations of the Study
5.3 Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix: The Collection of Presidential Material
[1]关联理论视角下话语标记语的语用制约性[J]. 袁家兰,胡志勇. 承德石油高等专科学校学报. 2009(01)
[2]话语标记研究综述[J]. 王寒娜. 绥化学院学报. 2006(06)
[3]话语标记语的顺应性解释[J]. 于国栋,吴亚欣. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2003(01)
[4]话语生成与理解:语序标记语作用[J]. 刘礼进. 外语教学与研究. 2002(03)
[5]话语标记语的语用学研究综述[J]. 冉永平. 外语研究. 2000(04)
[1]关联—顺应模式下英语演讲中的语用标记语研究[D]. 韩东红.上海外国语大学 2008
[2]口语交际中话语标记语的顺应—关联性研究[D]. 郭月琴.中国石油大学 2007
【文章来源】:天津大学天津市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:58 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Organization of the Study
ChapterⅡLiterature Review
2.1 Issues on Discourse Markers
2.1.1 Definitions of Discourse Markers
2.1.2 Various Perspectives on Discourse Markers
2.2 Issues on Debate
2.2.1 The Definition and Classification of Debate
2.2.2 The History of Presidential Debate
ChapterⅢ Theoretical Framework
3.1 Relevance Theory
3.2 Politeness Theory
3.3 Adaptation Theory
Chapter Ⅳ Analysis of Discourse Markers in Presidential Debate
4.1 Data Preparation
4.2 Quantitative Results for the Importance of Discourse Markers in Presidential Debate
4.3 Different Functions of Discourse Markers in Presidential Debate
4.3.1 Elaborative Discourse Markers
4.3.2 Contrastive Discourse Markers
4.3.3 Sequential Discourse Markers
4.3.4 Cause and Effect Discourse Markers
4.3.5 Attitudinal Discourse Markers
4.3.6 Tactic Discourse Markers
4.3.7 Emphasis Discourse Markers
4.4 Choice of Discourse Markers in Presidential Debate
4.4.1 Discourse Markers Based on Relevance Theory
4.4.2 Discourse Markers Based on Politeness Theory
4.4.3 Discourse Markers Based on Adaptation Theory
ChapterⅤ Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the Study
5.2 Limitations of the Study
5.3 Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix: The Collection of Presidential Material
[1]关联理论视角下话语标记语的语用制约性[J]. 袁家兰,胡志勇. 承德石油高等专科学校学报. 2009(01)
[2]话语标记研究综述[J]. 王寒娜. 绥化学院学报. 2006(06)
[3]话语标记语的顺应性解释[J]. 于国栋,吴亚欣. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2003(01)
[4]话语生成与理解:语序标记语作用[J]. 刘礼进. 外语教学与研究. 2002(03)
[5]话语标记语的语用学研究综述[J]. 冉永平. 外语研究. 2000(04)
[1]关联—顺应模式下英语演讲中的语用标记语研究[D]. 韩东红.上海外国语大学 2008
[2]口语交际中话语标记语的顺应—关联性研究[D]. 郭月琴.中国石油大学 2007