发布时间:2021-06-07 20:13
【文章来源】:浙江大学浙江省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:77 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Significance of the Present Study
1.3 Objectives of the Research
1.4 Organization of the Research
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
2.1 Definitions of Metaphor
2.2 Traditional Theories of Metaphor
2.2.1 Comparison Theory of Metaphor
2.2.2 Substitution Theory of Metaphor
2.2.3 Interaction Theory of Metaphor
2.3. Contemporary Theories of Metaphor
2.3.1 Conceptual Theory of Metaphor
2.3.2 The Conceptual Blending Theory
Chapter Ⅲ Critical Metaphor Analysis Model
3.1 Metaphor,Ideologies and Critical Discourse Analysis
3.2 Metaphor and Cognitive linguistics
3.3 Metaphor and Pragmatics
3.4 Metaphor study in Corpus
3.5 Three Stages in Identiyfing Metaphor
3.6 Summary
Chapter Ⅳ News Discourse and Metaphor
4.1 Features of News
4.2 Previous Studies of News Discourse
4.3 Metaphors in News Discourse
Chapter Ⅴ Methodology
5.1 Data Collection
5.2 Research Procedure
Chapter Ⅵ Metaphors in News Reports
6.1 Comparison between Chinese and American Corpora
6.1.1 Chinese Corpus Analysis
6.1.2 American Corpus Analysis
6.1.3 Summary
6.2 Conceptual Metaphors in Chinese and American Corpora
6.2.1 Ethics metaphors
6.2.2 War and Conflict Metaphors
6.2.3 Journey Metaphors
6.3 Summary
Chapter Ⅶ Conclusion
7.1 Major Findings
7.2 Implications
7.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research
[1]从批评隐喻分析看语料库在隐喻语篇分析中的运用[J]. 郭婕,聂启平. 现代语文(语言研究版). 2010(10)
[2]批评话语分析的新方法:批评隐喻分析[J]. 纪玉华,陈燕. 厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(06)
[3]隐喻在新闻英语中的应用[J]. 刘琳. 西安文理学院学报(社会科学版). 2006(06)
[4]隐喻的应用语言学研究[J]. 庞继贤,丁展平. 外语与外语教学. 2002(06)
[5]国外隐喻研究综述[J]. 林书武. 外语教学与研究. 1997(01)
[6]我们所依存的隐喻[J]. G·赖可夫,M·约翰森,刘宁生. 当代修辞学. 1992(06)
【文章来源】:浙江大学浙江省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:77 页
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Significance of the Present Study
1.3 Objectives of the Research
1.4 Organization of the Research
Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review
2.1 Definitions of Metaphor
2.2 Traditional Theories of Metaphor
2.2.1 Comparison Theory of Metaphor
2.2.2 Substitution Theory of Metaphor
2.2.3 Interaction Theory of Metaphor
2.3. Contemporary Theories of Metaphor
2.3.1 Conceptual Theory of Metaphor
2.3.2 The Conceptual Blending Theory
Chapter Ⅲ Critical Metaphor Analysis Model
3.1 Metaphor,Ideologies and Critical Discourse Analysis
3.2 Metaphor and Cognitive linguistics
3.3 Metaphor and Pragmatics
3.4 Metaphor study in Corpus
3.5 Three Stages in Identiyfing Metaphor
3.6 Summary
Chapter Ⅳ News Discourse and Metaphor
4.1 Features of News
4.2 Previous Studies of News Discourse
4.3 Metaphors in News Discourse
Chapter Ⅴ Methodology
5.1 Data Collection
5.2 Research Procedure
Chapter Ⅵ Metaphors in News Reports
6.1 Comparison between Chinese and American Corpora
6.1.1 Chinese Corpus Analysis
6.1.2 American Corpus Analysis
6.1.3 Summary
6.2 Conceptual Metaphors in Chinese and American Corpora
6.2.1 Ethics metaphors
6.2.2 War and Conflict Metaphors
6.2.3 Journey Metaphors
6.3 Summary
Chapter Ⅶ Conclusion
7.1 Major Findings
7.2 Implications
7.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research
[1]从批评隐喻分析看语料库在隐喻语篇分析中的运用[J]. 郭婕,聂启平. 现代语文(语言研究版). 2010(10)
[2]批评话语分析的新方法:批评隐喻分析[J]. 纪玉华,陈燕. 厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(06)
[3]隐喻在新闻英语中的应用[J]. 刘琳. 西安文理学院学报(社会科学版). 2006(06)
[4]隐喻的应用语言学研究[J]. 庞继贤,丁展平. 外语与外语教学. 2002(06)
[5]国外隐喻研究综述[J]. 林书武. 外语教学与研究. 1997(01)
[6]我们所依存的隐喻[J]. G·赖可夫,M·约翰森,刘宁生. 当代修辞学. 1992(06)