发布时间:2021-06-11 07:50
【文章来源】:中国石油大学(华东)山东省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:63 页
Chapter 1 Literature Review on Pragmatic Vagueness
1.1 Vagueness in Language
1.1.1 Vagueness V.S. Fuzziness
1.1.2 Definitions of Vagueness by Different Scholars
1.1.3 Characteristics of Vagueness
1.1.4 Origin of Vagueness in Language Opinions Abroad Opinions at Home
1.2 Different Approaches to Vague Language
1.2.1 Semantic Approach to Vague Language
1.2.2 Cognitive Approach to Vague Language
1.2.3 Pragmatic Approach to Vagueness
1.3 Pragmatic Vagueness
1.3.1 Definitions of Pragmatic Vagueness Definitions of Pragmatic Vagueness Abroad Definitions of Pragmatic Vagueness at Home
1.3.2 Classification of Pragmatic Vagueness
1.3.3 Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language
Chapter 2 Context in Linguistic Adaptability Theory
2.1 Different Views on Context
2.1.1 Static Context
2.1.2 Dynamic Context
2.2 Verschueren’s Linguistic Adaptability Theory
2.2.1 Choice-making of Language
2.2.2 Variability, Negotiability and Adaptability
2.2.3 Four Aspects of Adaptation
2.2.4 Different Contextual Correlates
Chapter 3 Variability of Vague Expressions
3.1 Vague Expressions at the Phonetic Level
3.1.1 Vagueness of Pronunciation
3.1.2 Vagueness of Intonation
3.2 Vague Expressions at the Lexical Level
3.2.1 Hedge
3.2.2 Euphemism
3.2.3 Vagueness of Numerals
3.3 Vague Expressions at the Syntactic Level
3.3.1 Sentences of Real/Unreal Condition
3.3.2 Co-ordinated Pattern
3.4 Vague Expressions at the Discourse Level
Chapter 4 Negotiated Principles in the Use of Pragmatic Vagueness
4.1 Vagueness and the Cooperative Principle
4.1.1 Following Maxims of the CP
4.1.2 Violating Maxims of the CP
4.2 Vagueness and the Politeness Principle
4.2.1 Pragmatic Vagueness as Maxim-adherence Strategy
4.2.2 Pragmatic Vagueness as Management of Face
Chapter 5 Adaptation of Pragmatic Vagueness to Context
5.1 Adaptation to Users of Vague Language
5.1.1 Adaptation to Utterers’ Many Voice s
5.1.2 Adaptation to Interpreters’ Many Roles
5.2 Adaptation to the Physical World
5.2.1 Adaptation to Time
5.2.2 Adaptation to Space
5.3 Adaptation to the Social World
5.3.1 Adaptation to Communicative Norms
5.3.2 Adaptation to Culture
5.4 Adaptation to the Mental World
5.4.1 Adaptation to Utterers’ Motivation Withholding Information Self-protection
5.4.2 Adaptation to Interpreters’ Expectation
[1]有关范畴本质和语义模糊性的再认识[J]. 陈维振,吴世雄. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2003(01)
[2]《红楼梦》对话之语用模糊分析[J]. 丁建民,严爽. 外语与外语教学. 2002(03)
[3]中国模糊语言学:回顾与前瞻[J]. 吴世雄!350007,陈维振!350007. 外语教学与研究. 2001(01)
[4]中国模糊语言学的理论研究述评[J]. 吴世雄,陈维振. 福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2000(02)
[5]再论语用含糊[J]. 何自然. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2000(01)
[6]语义模糊的认知分析[J]. 文旭. 福建外语. 1999(02)
[7]言语模糊段落及其文体功能说略[J]. 索玉柱. 外国语(上海外国语学院学报). 1999(01)
[8]语法歧义和语用模糊对比研究[J]. 俞东明. 浙江大学学报(社会科学版). 1997(03)
[9]论从认知角度研究模糊语言的重要意义[J]. 吴世雄. 福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 1996(01)
[10]模糊理论的若干问题[J]. 吴涌涛. 外语学刊(黑龙江大学学报). 1991(03)
[1]语用模糊—言语顺应的实现[D]. 孟秋菊.河北师范大学 2006
[2]语用模糊理论综观[D]. 王晓军.吉林大学 2005
【文章来源】:中国石油大学(华东)山东省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:63 页
Chapter 1 Literature Review on Pragmatic Vagueness
1.1 Vagueness in Language
1.1.1 Vagueness V.S. Fuzziness
1.1.2 Definitions of Vagueness by Different Scholars
1.1.3 Characteristics of Vagueness
1.1.4 Origin of Vagueness in Language Opinions Abroad Opinions at Home
1.2 Different Approaches to Vague Language
1.2.1 Semantic Approach to Vague Language
1.2.2 Cognitive Approach to Vague Language
1.2.3 Pragmatic Approach to Vagueness
1.3 Pragmatic Vagueness
1.3.1 Definitions of Pragmatic Vagueness Definitions of Pragmatic Vagueness Abroad Definitions of Pragmatic Vagueness at Home
1.3.2 Classification of Pragmatic Vagueness
1.3.3 Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language
Chapter 2 Context in Linguistic Adaptability Theory
2.1 Different Views on Context
2.1.1 Static Context
2.1.2 Dynamic Context
2.2 Verschueren’s Linguistic Adaptability Theory
2.2.1 Choice-making of Language
2.2.2 Variability, Negotiability and Adaptability
2.2.3 Four Aspects of Adaptation
2.2.4 Different Contextual Correlates
Chapter 3 Variability of Vague Expressions
3.1 Vague Expressions at the Phonetic Level
3.1.1 Vagueness of Pronunciation
3.1.2 Vagueness of Intonation
3.2 Vague Expressions at the Lexical Level
3.2.1 Hedge
3.2.2 Euphemism
3.2.3 Vagueness of Numerals
3.3 Vague Expressions at the Syntactic Level
3.3.1 Sentences of Real/Unreal Condition
3.3.2 Co-ordinated Pattern
3.4 Vague Expressions at the Discourse Level
Chapter 4 Negotiated Principles in the Use of Pragmatic Vagueness
4.1 Vagueness and the Cooperative Principle
4.1.1 Following Maxims of the CP
4.1.2 Violating Maxims of the CP
4.2 Vagueness and the Politeness Principle
4.2.1 Pragmatic Vagueness as Maxim-adherence Strategy
4.2.2 Pragmatic Vagueness as Management of Face
Chapter 5 Adaptation of Pragmatic Vagueness to Context
5.1 Adaptation to Users of Vague Language
5.1.1 Adaptation to Utterers’ Many Voice s
5.1.2 Adaptation to Interpreters’ Many Roles
5.2 Adaptation to the Physical World
5.2.1 Adaptation to Time
5.2.2 Adaptation to Space
5.3 Adaptation to the Social World
5.3.1 Adaptation to Communicative Norms
5.3.2 Adaptation to Culture
5.4 Adaptation to the Mental World
5.4.1 Adaptation to Utterers’ Motivation Withholding Information Self-protection
5.4.2 Adaptation to Interpreters’ Expectation
[1]有关范畴本质和语义模糊性的再认识[J]. 陈维振,吴世雄. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2003(01)
[2]《红楼梦》对话之语用模糊分析[J]. 丁建民,严爽. 外语与外语教学. 2002(03)
[3]中国模糊语言学:回顾与前瞻[J]. 吴世雄!350007,陈维振!350007. 外语教学与研究. 2001(01)
[4]中国模糊语言学的理论研究述评[J]. 吴世雄,陈维振. 福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2000(02)
[5]再论语用含糊[J]. 何自然. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2000(01)
[6]语义模糊的认知分析[J]. 文旭. 福建外语. 1999(02)
[7]言语模糊段落及其文体功能说略[J]. 索玉柱. 外国语(上海外国语学院学报). 1999(01)
[8]语法歧义和语用模糊对比研究[J]. 俞东明. 浙江大学学报(社会科学版). 1997(03)
[9]论从认知角度研究模糊语言的重要意义[J]. 吴世雄. 福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 1996(01)
[10]模糊理论的若干问题[J]. 吴涌涛. 外语学刊(黑龙江大学学报). 1991(03)
[1]语用模糊—言语顺应的实现[D]. 孟秋菊.河北师范大学 2006
[2]语用模糊理论综观[D]. 王晓军.吉林大学 2005