发布时间:2021-06-15 23:23
随着全世界的交流活动越来越频繁,跨文化交际失败的现象屡屡发生,这给个人、企业和国家都带来了损失。Jenny Thomas把这种跨文化交际失败的现象归结为跨文化语用失误。全世界的学者和专家已经从跨文化语用失误的多个角度进行了研究,但是至今无人涉及由时间观念差异引起地跨文化交际失败的众多现象。因此,本研究认为有必要从这时间角度研究跨文化语用失误从而帮助人们减少跨文化语用失误。本研究采用Edward Hall、Florence Kluckhohn和Fred Strodbeck的时间学理论。从文化的视角,感知时间的方式有三种:文化时间、心理时间以及单向和多向记时时间。通过对比法、案例分析法和图表法分析,发现由时间观念差异引起跨文化语用失误的深层原因如下:每种文化拥有自己独特的时间观念,这种观念无形中影响着人们的工作和学习。而在跨文化交际的过程中,人们会不自觉地套用本文化的时间观念,一旦交际双方存在相异的时间观念时,就容易引发跨文化语用失误。基于以上的分析,本研究提出了如何在二语习得、翻译和商务谈判过程中减少跨文化语用失误的建议:(1)了解、尊重交际对方的时间观念。(2)在二语习得中加强时间学方...
【文章页数】:61 页
0.1 Significance of Studies on Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure
0.2 Literature Review
0.2.1 The Definition of Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure
0.2.2 The Classification of Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure
0.2.3 Different Perspectives of the Studies on Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure
0.3 Originality of the Thesis
0.4 Research Method and Organization of This Thesis
Chapter 1 Three Perspectives on Chronemics
1.1 Cultural Time
1.1.1 Technical Time
1.1.2 Formal Time
1.1.3 Informal Time
1.2 Psychological Time
1.3 Monochronic and Polychronic Time Orientation
Chapter 2 Analysis of CCPFs from the Perspective of Cultural Time
2.1 CCPFs Caused by Formal Time
2.2 CCPFs Caused by Informal Time
Chapter 3: Analysis of CCPFs from the Perspective of Psychological Time
3.1 Values and Past, Present, Future Time Orientation
3.1.1 Values and Past Time Orientation
3.1.2 Values and Present Time Orientation
3.1.3 Values and Future Time Orientation
3.2 CCPFs from the Perspective of Past, Present and Future Time Orientation
3.2.1 CCPFs Caused by Past Time Orientation
3.2.2 CCPFs Caused by Present Time Orientation
3.2.3 CCPFs Caused by Future Time Orientation
Chapter 4 Analysis of CCPFs from the Perspective of Monochronic and Polychronic Time Orientation
4.1 Monochronic Time Orientation
4.1.1 One Occurrence
4.1.2 Linear Orientatioin
4.1.3 Short-term Orientation
4.2 Polychronic Time Orientation
4.2.1 Multi-occurrence
4.2.2 Circular Orientation
4.2.3 Long-term Orientation
4.3 CCPFs from the Perspective of Monochronic and Polychronic time Orientation
4.3.1 CCPFs Caused by Monochronic Time Orientation
4.3.2 CCPFs Caused by Polychronic Time Orientation
Chapter 5 Suggestions for Reducing CCPFs from a Perspective of Chronemics
5.1 Enhancing the Awareness of Different Temporal Concepts
5.1.1 Accumulating Cultural Knowledge
5.1.2 Getting rid of Ethnocentrism
5.1.3 Adopting Flexible Way in Translation
5.1.4 Using Slow and Formal Utterance in Commercial Negotiation
5.2 Becoming a Time Adapter
5.3 Time Negotiation
Informative Chinese Abstract
Résuméand Publications since Entering the Program
【文章页数】:61 页
0.1 Significance of Studies on Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure
0.2 Literature Review
0.2.1 The Definition of Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure
0.2.2 The Classification of Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure
0.2.3 Different Perspectives of the Studies on Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure
0.3 Originality of the Thesis
0.4 Research Method and Organization of This Thesis
Chapter 1 Three Perspectives on Chronemics
1.1 Cultural Time
1.1.1 Technical Time
1.1.2 Formal Time
1.1.3 Informal Time
1.2 Psychological Time
1.3 Monochronic and Polychronic Time Orientation
Chapter 2 Analysis of CCPFs from the Perspective of Cultural Time
2.1 CCPFs Caused by Formal Time
2.2 CCPFs Caused by Informal Time
Chapter 3: Analysis of CCPFs from the Perspective of Psychological Time
3.1 Values and Past, Present, Future Time Orientation
3.1.1 Values and Past Time Orientation
3.1.2 Values and Present Time Orientation
3.1.3 Values and Future Time Orientation
3.2 CCPFs from the Perspective of Past, Present and Future Time Orientation
3.2.1 CCPFs Caused by Past Time Orientation
3.2.2 CCPFs Caused by Present Time Orientation
3.2.3 CCPFs Caused by Future Time Orientation
Chapter 4 Analysis of CCPFs from the Perspective of Monochronic and Polychronic Time Orientation
4.1 Monochronic Time Orientation
4.1.1 One Occurrence
4.1.2 Linear Orientatioin
4.1.3 Short-term Orientation
4.2 Polychronic Time Orientation
4.2.1 Multi-occurrence
4.2.2 Circular Orientation
4.2.3 Long-term Orientation
4.3 CCPFs from the Perspective of Monochronic and Polychronic time Orientation
4.3.1 CCPFs Caused by Monochronic Time Orientation
4.3.2 CCPFs Caused by Polychronic Time Orientation
Chapter 5 Suggestions for Reducing CCPFs from a Perspective of Chronemics
5.1 Enhancing the Awareness of Different Temporal Concepts
5.1.1 Accumulating Cultural Knowledge
5.1.2 Getting rid of Ethnocentrism
5.1.3 Adopting Flexible Way in Translation
5.1.4 Using Slow and Formal Utterance in Commercial Negotiation
5.2 Becoming a Time Adapter
5.3 Time Negotiation
Informative Chinese Abstract
Résuméand Publications since Entering the Program