发布时间:2021-06-28 08:16
自Austin(1962)提出言语行为理论以来,指令类言语行为的研究已有半个世纪之久,语用学界在这一领域中取得了数量大、范围广的成果。然而,传统语用学理论在解释指令类言语行为语用推理上存在着不足,例如它没有解释为什么听话人进行语用推理的速度会如此迅捷,也没有探讨语用推理的概念本质(张辉,2002)。认知语言学的出现和发展使人们普遍认识到转喻与隐喻一样,它不仅仅是一种语言手段,更是一种理解和生成话语的方式。Panther & Thornburg(1997,1998,1999)开了从认知和语用双角度研究间接言语行为之先河,系统阐述了言语行为的转喻研究,其中在言语行为场境理论基础上进行的转喻推理研究对言语行为的理解最具阐释力。曹禺先生的经典戏剧《雷雨》在国内外享有很高的声望,被认为是中国现代戏剧创作的顶峰(孙海芳,2005)。许多学者从文学理论角度对《雷雨》的主题思想,人物性格和戏剧冲突进行了深入的研究,但运用现代语言学理论来研究该戏剧语言的文章为数不多,由此本文尝试在言语行为转喻这一倍受关注的认知理论基础上解读《雷雨》中的指令类言语行为。通过对文本的仔细分析,我们发现《雷雨》中的指...
【文章来源】:中南大学湖南省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:100 页
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 Studies on Directive Speech Acts
1.1.1 Austin and Searle's Speech Act Theory
1.1.2 Studies on Directive Speech Acts Abroad after Searle
1.1.3 Studies on Directive Speech Acts at Home
1.2 Studies on Thunderstorm
1.2.1 Studies on the Theme
1.2.2 Studies on the Characters
1.2.3 Studies on the Language
Chapter Two Theoretical Foundation
2.1 Speech Act Metonymy Theory
2.1.1 Pragmatic Classification of Metonymy
2.1.2 Speech Act Scenario for Directive Speech Acts
2.1.3 Types of Speech Act Metonymy
2.1.4 Metonymic Inferential Account of Directive Speech Acts
2.2 Improvement of Speech Act Scenario
Chapter Three A Metonymic Analysis of Directive Structures inThunderstorm
3.1 Research Methodology and Data Collection
3.2 Directive Structures in Thunderstorm
3.2.1 Structure Core
3.2.2 Structure Branches
3.2.3 Structure Core+ Branches
3.3 A Metonymic Analysis of Structure Core
3.4 A Metonymic Analysis of Structure Branches
3.4.1 The Presuppositional Branch
3.4.2 The Motivational Branch
3.4.3 The Realization Branch
3.4.4 Combined Branches
3.5 A Metonymic Analysis of Structure Core +Branches
Chapter Four A Metonymic Exploration of Main Characters'Directive Speech Acts
4.1 Factors Influencing Main Characters' Use of Directive Structures
4.1.1 Social Status
4.1.2 Immediate Context
4.1.3 Cognitive Background
4.2 Directive Speech Acts of Main Characters
4.2.1 Directive Speech Acts of Zhou Puyuan
4.2.2 Directive Speech Acts of Zhou Fanyi
4.2.3 Directive Speech Acts of Lu Shiping
4.2.4 Directive Speech Acts of Lu Sifeng
[1]《雷雨》主题研究述评[J]. 石在中. 语文教学与研究. 2010(07)
[2]漫谈《雷雨》中心的周朴园[J]. 张玫. 现代语文(文学研究版). 2009(09)
[3]从《雷雨》对话中透射出的面子保全论[J]. 龚梅红. 南昌高专学报. 2009(04)
[4]间接言语行为的转喻多域操作[J]. 陈香兰. 外语学刊. 2009(03)
[5]论曹禺《雷雨》中的基督教文化色彩[J]. 陈国华. 时代文学(下半月). 2009(03)
[6]再谈《雷雨》中蘩漪形象的艺术魅力[J]. 吕金娥. 现代语文(文学研究版). 2009(01)
[7]从《雷雨》看Grice的会话合作原则[J]. 苗辉. 现代语文(语言研究版). 2008(12)
[8]《雷雨》中模糊语言探析[J]. 冯莉. 太原师范学院学报(社会科学版). 2008(06)
[9]运用言语行为理论解读《雷雨》[J]. 张红燕,邢晓宇. 内蒙古工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(01)
[10]一个空形的美丽——解析《雷雨》中周萍的内心冲突[J]. 陈彦文. 时代文学(下半月). 2008(04)
[1]指令行为与汉语祈使句研究[D]. 赵微.复旦大学 2005
【文章来源】:中南大学湖南省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:100 页
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 Studies on Directive Speech Acts
1.1.1 Austin and Searle's Speech Act Theory
1.1.2 Studies on Directive Speech Acts Abroad after Searle
1.1.3 Studies on Directive Speech Acts at Home
1.2 Studies on Thunderstorm
1.2.1 Studies on the Theme
1.2.2 Studies on the Characters
1.2.3 Studies on the Language
Chapter Two Theoretical Foundation
2.1 Speech Act Metonymy Theory
2.1.1 Pragmatic Classification of Metonymy
2.1.2 Speech Act Scenario for Directive Speech Acts
2.1.3 Types of Speech Act Metonymy
2.1.4 Metonymic Inferential Account of Directive Speech Acts
2.2 Improvement of Speech Act Scenario
Chapter Three A Metonymic Analysis of Directive Structures inThunderstorm
3.1 Research Methodology and Data Collection
3.2 Directive Structures in Thunderstorm
3.2.1 Structure Core
3.2.2 Structure Branches
3.2.3 Structure Core+ Branches
3.3 A Metonymic Analysis of Structure Core
3.4 A Metonymic Analysis of Structure Branches
3.4.1 The Presuppositional Branch
3.4.2 The Motivational Branch
3.4.3 The Realization Branch
3.4.4 Combined Branches
3.5 A Metonymic Analysis of Structure Core +Branches
Chapter Four A Metonymic Exploration of Main Characters'Directive Speech Acts
4.1 Factors Influencing Main Characters' Use of Directive Structures
4.1.1 Social Status
4.1.2 Immediate Context
4.1.3 Cognitive Background
4.2 Directive Speech Acts of Main Characters
4.2.1 Directive Speech Acts of Zhou Puyuan
4.2.2 Directive Speech Acts of Zhou Fanyi
4.2.3 Directive Speech Acts of Lu Shiping
4.2.4 Directive Speech Acts of Lu Sifeng
[1]《雷雨》主题研究述评[J]. 石在中. 语文教学与研究. 2010(07)
[2]漫谈《雷雨》中心的周朴园[J]. 张玫. 现代语文(文学研究版). 2009(09)
[3]从《雷雨》对话中透射出的面子保全论[J]. 龚梅红. 南昌高专学报. 2009(04)
[4]间接言语行为的转喻多域操作[J]. 陈香兰. 外语学刊. 2009(03)
[5]论曹禺《雷雨》中的基督教文化色彩[J]. 陈国华. 时代文学(下半月). 2009(03)
[6]再谈《雷雨》中蘩漪形象的艺术魅力[J]. 吕金娥. 现代语文(文学研究版). 2009(01)
[7]从《雷雨》看Grice的会话合作原则[J]. 苗辉. 现代语文(语言研究版). 2008(12)
[8]《雷雨》中模糊语言探析[J]. 冯莉. 太原师范学院学报(社会科学版). 2008(06)
[9]运用言语行为理论解读《雷雨》[J]. 张红燕,邢晓宇. 内蒙古工业大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(01)
[10]一个空形的美丽——解析《雷雨》中周萍的内心冲突[J]. 陈彦文. 时代文学(下半月). 2008(04)
[1]指令行为与汉语祈使句研究[D]. 赵微.复旦大学 2005