发布时间:2021-07-19 21:07
【文章页数】:55 页
Chinese Abstract
English Abstract
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.0 Research background
1.1 Research Objectives and Significance
1.2 Research methodology and data collection
1.3 The structure of the thesis
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background and Literature Review
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Pragmatic Theories
2.1.1 Speech Act Theory(SAT)
2.1.2 The Cooperative Principle(CP)
2.1.3 The Ostensive-inferential Model
2.2 Luo Guanzhong and the Romance of Three kingdoms
Chapter 3 Speech Acts in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Dichotomy
3.2 The analysis of illocutionary acts
3.2.1 The Assertives/Representatives
3.2.2 The directives
3.2.3 Commissives
3.2.4 Expressives
3.2.5 Declaration
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Conversational Implicatures in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
4.0 Introduction
4.1 The Generation of Conversational Implicature
4.2 Characteristics of Conversational Implicature
4.2.1 Cancellability(or Defeasibility)
4.2.2 Non-detachability
4.2.3 Calculability
4.2.4 Non-conventionality
4.3 The Analysis of Non-Standard Implicature
4.3.1 Implicatures Resulting From Flouting Quantity Maxim A flouting of the first maxim of Quantity Maxim A flouting of the second maxim of Quantity
4.3.2 Implicatures Resulting From Flouting Quality Maxim A flouting of the first maxim of quality maxim Satire Metaphor Meiosis and Hyperbole A flout of the second maxim of quality
4.3.3 Implicatures Resulting From Flouting Relevance Maxim Giving Hints or Clues Transferring from the Topic
4.3.4 Implicature Resulting From Flouting Manner Maxim
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 The Ostensive-Inferential Model in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
5.0 Introduction
5.1 The Ostensive-inferential Communication
5.2 The Ostensive-inferential Communication in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
5.3 Informative Intention and Communicative Intention
5.3.1 Definition of informative and communicative intention
5.3.2 Informative and Communicative Intention in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 A Summary of the study
6.2 Significance of the study
6.3 Limitations of the study and future research direction
Appendix 1.攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文
[1]言语行为、间接言语行为及其语用功能[J]. 曾建国. 濮阳职业技术学院学报. 2009(04)
[2]译本文化杂合的理论依据——从《三国演义》罗译本获得的启示[J]. 卢淑梅. 邢台学院学报. 2008(04)
[3]从《三国演义》与《伊利亚特》看中西文化差异[J]. 镇聪. 鸡西大学学报. 2008(05)
[4]《三国演义》结构特色探析[J]. 郑帅. 伊犁师范学院学报(社会科学版). 2008(01)
[5]语篇分析与话语分析[J]. 黄国文,徐珺. 外语与外语教学. 2006(10)
[6]试论交际的模式——交际本质上是推理[J]. 许艳芳. 兰州学刊. 2006(03)
[7]交际模式的演变——从语码模式走向推理模式[J]. 许艳芳. 河南社会科学. 2006(02)
[8]说话者的意图和言语行为[J]. 王晓萍. 哲学动态. 2005(10)
[9]语码转换研究的顺应性模式[J]. 于国栋. 当代语言学. 2004(01)
[10]直接与间接——语言应用中的对立统一[J]. 周胜. 佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版). 2004(01)
【文章页数】:55 页
Chinese Abstract
English Abstract
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.0 Research background
1.1 Research Objectives and Significance
1.2 Research methodology and data collection
1.3 The structure of the thesis
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background and Literature Review
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Pragmatic Theories
2.1.1 Speech Act Theory(SAT)
2.1.2 The Cooperative Principle(CP)
2.1.3 The Ostensive-inferential Model
2.2 Luo Guanzhong and the Romance of Three kingdoms
Chapter 3 Speech Acts in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Dichotomy
3.2 The analysis of illocutionary acts
3.2.1 The Assertives/Representatives
3.2.2 The directives
3.2.3 Commissives
3.2.4 Expressives
3.2.5 Declaration
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Conversational Implicatures in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
4.0 Introduction
4.1 The Generation of Conversational Implicature
4.2 Characteristics of Conversational Implicature
4.2.1 Cancellability(or Defeasibility)
4.2.2 Non-detachability
4.2.3 Calculability
4.2.4 Non-conventionality
4.3 The Analysis of Non-Standard Implicature
4.3.1 Implicatures Resulting From Flouting Quantity Maxim A flouting of the first maxim of Quantity Maxim A flouting of the second maxim of Quantity
4.3.2 Implicatures Resulting From Flouting Quality Maxim A flouting of the first maxim of quality maxim Satire Metaphor Meiosis and Hyperbole A flout of the second maxim of quality
4.3.3 Implicatures Resulting From Flouting Relevance Maxim Giving Hints or Clues Transferring from the Topic
4.3.4 Implicature Resulting From Flouting Manner Maxim
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 The Ostensive-Inferential Model in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
5.0 Introduction
5.1 The Ostensive-inferential Communication
5.2 The Ostensive-inferential Communication in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
5.3 Informative Intention and Communicative Intention
5.3.1 Definition of informative and communicative intention
5.3.2 Informative and Communicative Intention in the Romance of Three Kingdoms
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 A Summary of the study
6.2 Significance of the study
6.3 Limitations of the study and future research direction
Appendix 1.攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文
[1]言语行为、间接言语行为及其语用功能[J]. 曾建国. 濮阳职业技术学院学报. 2009(04)
[2]译本文化杂合的理论依据——从《三国演义》罗译本获得的启示[J]. 卢淑梅. 邢台学院学报. 2008(04)
[3]从《三国演义》与《伊利亚特》看中西文化差异[J]. 镇聪. 鸡西大学学报. 2008(05)
[4]《三国演义》结构特色探析[J]. 郑帅. 伊犁师范学院学报(社会科学版). 2008(01)
[5]语篇分析与话语分析[J]. 黄国文,徐珺. 外语与外语教学. 2006(10)
[6]试论交际的模式——交际本质上是推理[J]. 许艳芳. 兰州学刊. 2006(03)
[7]交际模式的演变——从语码模式走向推理模式[J]. 许艳芳. 河南社会科学. 2006(02)
[8]说话者的意图和言语行为[J]. 王晓萍. 哲学动态. 2005(10)
[9]语码转换研究的顺应性模式[J]. 于国栋. 当代语言学. 2004(01)
[10]直接与间接——语言应用中的对立统一[J]. 周胜. 佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版). 2004(01)