发布时间:2021-09-11 21:00
传统隐喻理论把隐喻看作一种修辞格,一种超常规的语言现象,是语言应用问题。在阐述隐喻产生的机制时传统隐喻理论存在着局限性,没有涉及隐喻过程中的认知机制。20世纪80年代《我们赖以生存的隐喻》(Lakoff &Johnson)的发表标志着认知观隐喻研究的全面开始。自此隐喻研究进入了一个更为全面,系统的阶段。Lakoff &Johnson在该书中提出了概念隐喻理论。概念隐喻以具体的概念为源域,抽象的概念为目的域,在两者之间进行映射,即凭借人类的认知和推理,将具体事物的特征系统地,全面地映射到抽象概念上,从而对其进行认知和理解。因此概念隐喻的生成过程就表述为“源域——认知语境——目的域”。这种认知方式揭示了人类思维和语言表达之间最基本的联系。概念隐喻理论揭示隐喻在人类认知过程中的巨大作用,是一种认知机制。层出不穷的隐喻理论和浩如烟海的隐喻研究使得隐喻研究成为“显学”。我国学者从20世纪90年代开始关注认知隐喻这一课题。国内隐喻研究主要集中在三大方面:⑴介绍评析各种理论;⑵从语义,语用,认知和文化等方面进行探讨⑶通过具体语料深入对隐喻的研究。从束定芳的《隐喻学研究》(2000),...
【文章页数】:84 页
1 General Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Structure of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 The Traditional Theories of Metaphor
2.2 The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor
2.2.1 The Conceptual Metaphor Theory
2.2.2 Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.3 Concepts Related to Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.4 Nature of Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.5 Main Characteristics of Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.6 Classification of Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.7 Theoretical Basis of Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.8 Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor
2.3 Theoretical Model
2.4 Metaphor in Economics
3 Research Design
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 The Data of the Study
3.3 Research Procedure
4 Data Analysis and Discussion
4.1 An Overall Analysis of Metaphors in the Data
4.1.1 Economy as Machine
4.1.2 Economy as Plant
4.1.3 Economy as Building
4.1.4 Economy as Game
4.1.5 Economy as Container
4.1.6 Economy as liquid
4.1.7 Economy as Bubble
4.1.8 Economy as Animal
4.2 An analysis of Economy as person
4.2.1 Data Analysis
4.2.2 Process of Mapping from Person to Economy
4.3 An analysis of Economy as War
4.3.1 Data Analysis
4.3.2 Process of Mapping from war to economy
4.4 An analysis of Economy as Journey
4.4.1 Data Analysis
4.4.2 Process of Mapping from Journey to Economy
4.5 Summary
5 Conclusion
5.1 General Statement
5.2 Findings
5.3 Implications
5.4 Limitations
5.5 Suggestions for Further Study
附录 A
Appendix B
[1]认知语言学的哲学基础:体验哲学[J]. 王寅. 外语教学与研究. 2002(02)
[2]隐喻研究的基本现状、焦点及趋势[J]. 林书武. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2002(01)
[3]Lakoff & Johnson笔下的认知语言学[J]. 王寅. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2001(04)
[4]国外隐喻研究综述[J]. 林书武. 外语教学与研究. 1997(01)
[5]隐喻理论史探[J]. 严世清. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 1995(05)
[6]《隐喻与认知》评介[J]. 林书武. 外语教学与研究. 1995(04)
[1]英语经济语篇中的隐喻[D]. 唐其敏.重庆大学 2003
【文章页数】:84 页
1 General Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Significance of the Study
1.3 Structure of the Thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 The Traditional Theories of Metaphor
2.2 The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor
2.2.1 The Conceptual Metaphor Theory
2.2.2 Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.3 Concepts Related to Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.4 Nature of Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.5 Main Characteristics of Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.6 Classification of Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.7 Theoretical Basis of Conceptual Metaphor
2.2.8 Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor
2.3 Theoretical Model
2.4 Metaphor in Economics
3 Research Design
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 The Data of the Study
3.3 Research Procedure
4 Data Analysis and Discussion
4.1 An Overall Analysis of Metaphors in the Data
4.1.1 Economy as Machine
4.1.2 Economy as Plant
4.1.3 Economy as Building
4.1.4 Economy as Game
4.1.5 Economy as Container
4.1.6 Economy as liquid
4.1.7 Economy as Bubble
4.1.8 Economy as Animal
4.2 An analysis of Economy as person
4.2.1 Data Analysis
4.2.2 Process of Mapping from Person to Economy
4.3 An analysis of Economy as War
4.3.1 Data Analysis
4.3.2 Process of Mapping from war to economy
4.4 An analysis of Economy as Journey
4.4.1 Data Analysis
4.4.2 Process of Mapping from Journey to Economy
4.5 Summary
5 Conclusion
5.1 General Statement
5.2 Findings
5.3 Implications
5.4 Limitations
5.5 Suggestions for Further Study
附录 A
Appendix B
[1]认知语言学的哲学基础:体验哲学[J]. 王寅. 外语教学与研究. 2002(02)
[2]隐喻研究的基本现状、焦点及趋势[J]. 林书武. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2002(01)
[3]Lakoff & Johnson笔下的认知语言学[J]. 王寅. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2001(04)
[4]国外隐喻研究综述[J]. 林书武. 外语教学与研究. 1997(01)
[5]隐喻理论史探[J]. 严世清. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 1995(05)
[6]《隐喻与认知》评介[J]. 林书武. 外语教学与研究. 1995(04)
[1]英语经济语篇中的隐喻[D]. 唐其敏.重庆大学 2003