发布时间:2021-11-01 15:24
【文章页数】:67 页
0.1 Significance of the Thesis
0.2 Literature Review of the Thesis
0.3 Objective of the Thesis
0.4 Methodology and Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 1 Chinese Four-Character Idioms with Numerals and Their Semantic Fuzziness
1.1 Definition of Chinese Four-Character Idioms
1.2 Chinese Four-Character Idioms with Numerals
1.2.1 Numerals in Idioms with Positive Exaggeration
1.2.2 Numerals in Idioms with Negative Exaggeration
1.2.3 Numerals in Idioms Transferred from Quantities to Other Categorie
1.3 Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Four-Character Idioms Caused by the Use of Numerals
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 How Numerals Render Chinese Four-Character Idioms Fuzzy
2.1 Precise Original Meanings of the Numerals in Chinese Idioms
2.2 Transition of Semantic Precision to Semantic Fuzziness of the Numeral Meanings in Chinese Four-Character Idioms
2.2.1 Fuzziness of the Cognitive Categories
2.2.2 Fuzziness of the Category "Number"
2.3 Generation of Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Four-Character Idioms
2.3.1 Gestalt Psychological Motivation
2.3.2 Specific Collocation Motivation
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Idioms Generated by the Use of Numerals
3.1 The Advantages of Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Idioms Engendered by the Use of Numerals
3.1.1 Least Effort from the Speaker's Perspective
3.1.2 Rhetorical Effect
3.2 The Disadvantages of Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Idioms Engendered by the Use of Numerals
3.2.1 More Effort from the Hearer's Perspective
3.2.2 Harming or Ruining Communication
3.3 Reduction and Removal of the Disadvantages—Transition from Semantic Fuzziness to Semantic Precision
3.3.1 Contextual-Dependence
3.3.2 Synchronic and Diachronic Change of Idioms
3.4 Summary
Informative Chinese Abstract
Résuméand Publications since Entering the Program
[1]模糊语言及其语境依赖性[J]. 庞建荣. 外语与外语教学. 2008(07)
[2]模糊语言的顺应性解释[J]. 张瑞鸿. 外语与外语教学. 2008(07)
[3]原型范畴理论的缺陷与不足[J]. 俞建梁,黄和斌. 外语学刊. 2008(02)
[4]从构式语法看汉语成语的仿用[J]. 刘宇红,谢亚军. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2007(06)
[5]相邻和相似——汉语成语形成的认知研究之二[J]. 徐盛桓. 暨南大学华文学院学报. 2006(03)
[6]相邻与补足——成语形成的认知研究之一[J]. 徐盛桓. 四川外语学院学报. 2006(02)
[7]试析英汉数字语义模糊性的美学特质——格式塔—美学视角[J]. 孙静,秦莉. 天津外国语学院学报. 2005(06)
[8]模糊数字的语境顺应性[J]. 陈琳霞. 外语教学. 2005(04)
[9]Zipf与省力原则[J]. 姜望琪. 同济大学学报(社会科学版). 2005(01)
[10]汉语成语中数目词的汉英翻译对比研究[J]. 刘法公. 外语与外语教学. 2004(12)
[1]语义模糊的认知探索及其启示[D]. 侯丽娟.厦门大学 2007
[2]数字与汉语成语[D]. 安美真.天津师范大学 2005
[3]语义模糊的认知分析[D]. 张爱珍.福建师范大学 2002
【文章页数】:67 页
0.1 Significance of the Thesis
0.2 Literature Review of the Thesis
0.3 Objective of the Thesis
0.4 Methodology and Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 1 Chinese Four-Character Idioms with Numerals and Their Semantic Fuzziness
1.1 Definition of Chinese Four-Character Idioms
1.2 Chinese Four-Character Idioms with Numerals
1.2.1 Numerals in Idioms with Positive Exaggeration
1.2.2 Numerals in Idioms with Negative Exaggeration
1.2.3 Numerals in Idioms Transferred from Quantities to Other Categorie
1.3 Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Four-Character Idioms Caused by the Use of Numerals
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 How Numerals Render Chinese Four-Character Idioms Fuzzy
2.1 Precise Original Meanings of the Numerals in Chinese Idioms
2.2 Transition of Semantic Precision to Semantic Fuzziness of the Numeral Meanings in Chinese Four-Character Idioms
2.2.1 Fuzziness of the Cognitive Categories
2.2.2 Fuzziness of the Category "Number"
2.3 Generation of Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Four-Character Idioms
2.3.1 Gestalt Psychological Motivation
2.3.2 Specific Collocation Motivation
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Idioms Generated by the Use of Numerals
3.1 The Advantages of Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Idioms Engendered by the Use of Numerals
3.1.1 Least Effort from the Speaker's Perspective
3.1.2 Rhetorical Effect
3.2 The Disadvantages of Semantic Fuzziness of Chinese Idioms Engendered by the Use of Numerals
3.2.1 More Effort from the Hearer's Perspective
3.2.2 Harming or Ruining Communication
3.3 Reduction and Removal of the Disadvantages—Transition from Semantic Fuzziness to Semantic Precision
3.3.1 Contextual-Dependence
3.3.2 Synchronic and Diachronic Change of Idioms
3.4 Summary
Informative Chinese Abstract
Résuméand Publications since Entering the Program
[1]模糊语言及其语境依赖性[J]. 庞建荣. 外语与外语教学. 2008(07)
[2]模糊语言的顺应性解释[J]. 张瑞鸿. 外语与外语教学. 2008(07)
[3]原型范畴理论的缺陷与不足[J]. 俞建梁,黄和斌. 外语学刊. 2008(02)
[4]从构式语法看汉语成语的仿用[J]. 刘宇红,谢亚军. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2007(06)
[5]相邻和相似——汉语成语形成的认知研究之二[J]. 徐盛桓. 暨南大学华文学院学报. 2006(03)
[6]相邻与补足——成语形成的认知研究之一[J]. 徐盛桓. 四川外语学院学报. 2006(02)
[7]试析英汉数字语义模糊性的美学特质——格式塔—美学视角[J]. 孙静,秦莉. 天津外国语学院学报. 2005(06)
[8]模糊数字的语境顺应性[J]. 陈琳霞. 外语教学. 2005(04)
[9]Zipf与省力原则[J]. 姜望琪. 同济大学学报(社会科学版). 2005(01)
[10]汉语成语中数目词的汉英翻译对比研究[J]. 刘法公. 外语与外语教学. 2004(12)
[1]语义模糊的认知探索及其启示[D]. 侯丽娟.厦门大学 2007
[2]数字与汉语成语[D]. 安美真.天津师范大学 2005
[3]语义模糊的认知分析[D]. 张爱珍.福建师范大学 2002