发布时间:2021-11-04 01:53
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:77 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Research objectives and research questions
1.3 The significance of the research
1.4 The organization of the thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Studies on the courtroom discourse
2.1.1 Studies abroad
2.1.2 Studies at home
2.2 Studies of repetition in general
2.2.1 Studies abroad
2.2.2 Studies at home
2.3 Studies of repetition in courtroom discourse
2.3.1 Studies abroad
2.3.2 Studies at home
2.4 Summary
3 Methodology
3.1 Research methods
3.2 Data collection
3.2.1 The source of data
3.2.2 Data description
4 Comparative Analyses on Repetition in Chinese and American CourtroomDiscourse
4.1 Differences between Chinese and American legal system
4.2 Definition and classification of repetition
4.2.1 Definition of repetition
4.2.2 Classification of repetition
4.3 Comparison of repetition in forms
4.3.1 Forms of repetition in Chinese courtroom discourse
4.3.2 Forms of repetition in American courtroom discourse
4.3.3 Similarities and differences
4.3.4 Summary
4.4 Comparison of repetition in functions
4.4.1 Functions of repetition in courtroom discourse
4.4.2 Similarities and differences
4.4.3 Summary
5 Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the findings
5.1.1 Similarities
5.1.2 Differences
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations of the present thesis
5.4 Suggestions for the future researches
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ Translation of the Chinese Data
[1]高校英语课堂教学用语的重复及语用功能[J]. 季淑凤. 淮北煤炭师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2009(04)
[2]对同义反复语的语用分析[J]. 郭伟伟,郑书云,张晓娟. 邯郸职业技术学院学报. 2009(01)
[3]重复的衔接功能微探[J]. 鲁艳. 科教文汇. 2006(01)
[4]英汉语言对比研究综论[J]. 张维友. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2006(01)
[5]词汇重复及其在语篇中的衔接功能[J]. 周军平. 兰州商学院学报. 2004(05)
[6]试论会话中的重复现象[J]. 张咏群. 语言与翻译. 2004(03)
[7]话语重复功能新探[J]. 周红民. 株洲工学院学报. 2004(01)
[8]对“反复”修辞功能的探讨[J]. 李海红. 齐齐哈尔医学院学报. 2002(11)
[9]重复——在汉英翻译中的处理[J]. 王立弟,张立云. 中国翻译. 2002(05)
[10]律师辩护词的修辞功能初探[J]. 姜同玲. 广东外语外贸大学学报. 2002(03)
[1]儿童会话中重复现象的研究[D]. 王沛洁.湖南工业大学 2011
[2]重复的使用[D]. 李莉.上海师范大学 2009
[3]中国法庭互动中话语重复现象的语用研究[D]. 曾云蓉.广东外语外贸大学 2006
[4]中国法庭话语中的重复现象研究[D]. 张睿.华中师范大学 2006
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:77 页
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Research objectives and research questions
1.3 The significance of the research
1.4 The organization of the thesis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Studies on the courtroom discourse
2.1.1 Studies abroad
2.1.2 Studies at home
2.2 Studies of repetition in general
2.2.1 Studies abroad
2.2.2 Studies at home
2.3 Studies of repetition in courtroom discourse
2.3.1 Studies abroad
2.3.2 Studies at home
2.4 Summary
3 Methodology
3.1 Research methods
3.2 Data collection
3.2.1 The source of data
3.2.2 Data description
4 Comparative Analyses on Repetition in Chinese and American CourtroomDiscourse
4.1 Differences between Chinese and American legal system
4.2 Definition and classification of repetition
4.2.1 Definition of repetition
4.2.2 Classification of repetition
4.3 Comparison of repetition in forms
4.3.1 Forms of repetition in Chinese courtroom discourse
4.3.2 Forms of repetition in American courtroom discourse
4.3.3 Similarities and differences
4.3.4 Summary
4.4 Comparison of repetition in functions
4.4.1 Functions of repetition in courtroom discourse
4.4.2 Similarities and differences
4.4.3 Summary
5 Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the findings
5.1.1 Similarities
5.1.2 Differences
5.2 Implications
5.3 Limitations of the present thesis
5.4 Suggestions for the future researches
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ Translation of the Chinese Data
[1]高校英语课堂教学用语的重复及语用功能[J]. 季淑凤. 淮北煤炭师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2009(04)
[2]对同义反复语的语用分析[J]. 郭伟伟,郑书云,张晓娟. 邯郸职业技术学院学报. 2009(01)
[3]重复的衔接功能微探[J]. 鲁艳. 科教文汇. 2006(01)
[4]英汉语言对比研究综论[J]. 张维友. 华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2006(01)
[5]词汇重复及其在语篇中的衔接功能[J]. 周军平. 兰州商学院学报. 2004(05)
[6]试论会话中的重复现象[J]. 张咏群. 语言与翻译. 2004(03)
[7]话语重复功能新探[J]. 周红民. 株洲工学院学报. 2004(01)
[8]对“反复”修辞功能的探讨[J]. 李海红. 齐齐哈尔医学院学报. 2002(11)
[9]重复——在汉英翻译中的处理[J]. 王立弟,张立云. 中国翻译. 2002(05)
[10]律师辩护词的修辞功能初探[J]. 姜同玲. 广东外语外贸大学学报. 2002(03)
[1]儿童会话中重复现象的研究[D]. 王沛洁.湖南工业大学 2011
[2]重复的使用[D]. 李莉.上海师范大学 2009
[3]中国法庭互动中话语重复现象的语用研究[D]. 曾云蓉.广东外语外贸大学 2006
[4]中国法庭话语中的重复现象研究[D]. 张睿.华中师范大学 2006