发布时间:2022-02-22 15:40
本文以优选论为理论背景,结合声调理论和实际语料,讨论成都话的二字组和三字组的连读变调,着重讨论了三字组变调的方向性问题,旨在揭示成都话二字组和三字组变调的音系规律以及三字组变调方向性难以捉摸的动因。不少汉语方言连读变调的方向性一直是声调研究的难题。本论文通过对成都话语料的观察,发现成都话连读变调多数是发生在二字组的右侧,与普通话的变调不一样。但三字组变调的方向难以预测,有时自左向右,有时从右至左,而且似乎与句法结构没有逻辑关系。本文认为,三字组变调不同的方向性会在输出声调上呈现出不同的特性,即:当变调的方向是从右至左时,输出呈现出的特性为运作不足(underapplication);变调的方向是从左至右时,输出呈现出的特性为运作正常(normal application)。不同方向性的动因是为了要满足输出声调(outputtone)和基本声调(base tone)的对应(correspondence)。成都话三字组变调之所以会从右至左产生运作不足的输出声调就是为了要满足这种BO对应。为了满足这种对应,需要IDENT-BO这个制约条件。但是,如果为了满足这种对应关系而得出标记性很高的输出...
【文章页数】:68 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Significance of the Present Study
1.2 The Current Study
1.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two The Tone Forms of Chengdu Dialect
2.1 The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi
2.2 The Trisyllabic Tone Sandhi
Chapter Three The Theoretical Background
3.1 The Basic Structure of OT
3.2 The Mechanism of Allomorph Generation and Allomorph Selection
3.2.1 WFT and Tonal Markedness Reduction,Stasis and Increase
Chapter Four OT Analysis of Chengdu Tone Sandhi
4.1 The Disyllabic Sandhi in OT
4.2 The Trisyllabic Sandhi in OT
4.2.1 The Prosodic Domain of Chengdu Trisyllabic Tone Sandhi
4.2.2 Opacity
4.2.3 Normal Application
4.2.4 The Other Forms
Chapter Five The Problems of a Rule-Based Anallysis and DirectionalityPrinciples
5.1 The Problems of a Rule-Based Analysis
5.2 The Problems of the Directionality Principles
Chapter Six Conclusion
[1]天津方言三字组连读变调的优选论分析[J]. 王晓梅. 语言研究. 2009(01)
[2]闽南方言连读变调新探[J]. 陈宝贤,李小凡. 语文研究. 2008(02)
[3]成都话音系[J]. 黄尚军. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2006(01)
[4]成都语音的初步研究[J]. 甄尚灵. 四川大学学报(社会科学版). 1958(01)
【文章页数】:68 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Significance of the Present Study
1.2 The Current Study
1.3 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two The Tone Forms of Chengdu Dialect
2.1 The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi
2.2 The Trisyllabic Tone Sandhi
Chapter Three The Theoretical Background
3.1 The Basic Structure of OT
3.2 The Mechanism of Allomorph Generation and Allomorph Selection
3.2.1 WFT and Tonal Markedness Reduction,Stasis and Increase
Chapter Four OT Analysis of Chengdu Tone Sandhi
4.1 The Disyllabic Sandhi in OT
4.2 The Trisyllabic Sandhi in OT
4.2.1 The Prosodic Domain of Chengdu Trisyllabic Tone Sandhi
4.2.2 Opacity
4.2.3 Normal Application
4.2.4 The Other Forms
Chapter Five The Problems of a Rule-Based Anallysis and DirectionalityPrinciples
5.1 The Problems of a Rule-Based Analysis
5.2 The Problems of the Directionality Principles
Chapter Six Conclusion
[1]天津方言三字组连读变调的优选论分析[J]. 王晓梅. 语言研究. 2009(01)
[2]闽南方言连读变调新探[J]. 陈宝贤,李小凡. 语文研究. 2008(02)
[3]成都话音系[J]. 黄尚军. 西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2006(01)
[4]成都语音的初步研究[J]. 甄尚灵. 四川大学学报(社会科学版). 1958(01)