发布时间:2022-07-20 13:28
语言是人们用来交流思想和感情的工具。无论哪种语言人们都会运用强调的手段来突出自己所要表达的内容。分裂句是广泛用来表示强调的一种方式,一直是国内外语言研究的重点。目前,大多数学者主要集中在传统语法,转换生成语法,系统功能语法和认知语法的研究,他们主要分析了句法,语义和语用功能等问题,这些研究取得了很大的成果,但是这些研究较少涉及到类型学方面的研究。本文拟从类型学角度,对英汉分裂句的语法特征进行研究,发掘英汉分裂句的类型学特征。理论上,运用了类型学中的蕴含共性,语法等级,类型标记性描述了英汉分裂句的类型学特征,并结合认知语言学中的图形/背景理论及语法化理论对英汉分裂句的类型学特征进行认知上的解释。方法上,运用定性定量以及数据统计的方法对分裂句进行跨语言分析。本文主要从三个方面考察英汉分裂句的类型学特征:第一,从焦点标记和焦点的语序蕴含共性,英语和汉语的焦点标记都是紧临焦点,且焦点标记和焦点的位置是跟谓语和宾语的顺序一致,且其它的语言也是如此。第二,对类型标记的考察。英语分裂句的类型标记"it is...that"是由判断的句式语法化而来,汉语分裂句的类型标记“是”是由指示代词语法化而来的。...
【文章页数】:140 页
0.1 Research Background
0.2 Research Significance
0.3 Research Method--corpus
0.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 1 Literature Review
1.1 Definitions of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
1.1.1 Defintions of English Cleft Sentence
1.1.2 Definitions of Chinese Cleft Sentence
1.2 Previous Studies on English Cleft Sentences
1.2.1 Studies from Traditional School
1.2.2 Studies from Transformational-generative Grammar
1.2.3 Studies from Systemic-function Grammar
1.2.4 Studies from Cognitive Linguistics
1.3 Previous Studies on Chinese Cleft Sentences
1.3.1 Studies on the Status of shi
1.3.2 Studies on the Status of de
1.4 Summaary
Chapter 2 Theoretical Foundation
2.1 Trypological Theory
2.1.1 Definitions of Typology
2.1.2 The Development of Typology
2.1.3 Implicational Universals and Grammtical Hierarchies
2.1.4 Typological Markedness
2.2 Figure/Ground Theory
2.3 Grammaticalization
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Syntactic and Semantic Classifications of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
3.1 Syntactic Classifications of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
3.1.1 Syntactic Classifications of English Cleft Sentences
3.1.2 Syntactic Classifications of Chinese Cleft Sentences
3.2 Semantic Classifications of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
3.2.1 Semantic Classifications of English Cleft Sentences
3.2.2 Semantic Classifications of Chinese Cletf Sentences
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Implicational Universals and Grammatical Hierarehies of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.1 Implicational Universals of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.1.1 Implicational Universals of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.1.2 Grammaticalization Explanation of Cleft Sentences
4.2 Markedness Of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.2.1 Markedness of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.2.2 Markedness of Cleft Sentences in Other Languages
4.3 Grammatical Hierarchies of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.3.1 Grammatical Hierarchies of English and Chinese Cletf Sentences
4.3.2 Focus Definiteness Grammatical Hierarchies of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.3.3 Figure/Ground Theory Explanation on Grammatical Hierarchies
4.4 Summary
[1]语言类型学视角下的汉英语序对比研究[J]. 李金满. 当代外语研究. 2010(05)
[2]浅析汉语分裂句中的“是”[J]. 丁广华. 芜湖职业技术学院学报. 2008(02)
[3]语言类型学和我国语言学研究[J]. 罗天华. 北京教育学院学报. 2006(04)
[4]有关焦点问题的一些理论思考[J]. 温锁林,贺桂兰. 语文研究. 2006(02)
[5]标记模式与蕴涵共性[J]. 习晓明. 贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版). 2005(04)
[6]“是”的句法语义属性研究[J]. 陈晓湘,罗琼鹏. 外语教学与研究. 2005(03)
[7]英语分裂句的来源——兼论英汉分裂句差别之因由[J]. 张和友. 外语教学与研究. 2005(02)
[8]语序优势的认知解释(上):论可别度对语序的普遍影响[J]. 陆丙甫. 当代语言学. 2005(01)
[9]英语分裂句的语义语用分析[J]. 王红成. 外语教学. 2004(02)
[10]语言类型学与汉语研究[J]. 刘丹青. 世界汉语教学. 2003(04)
[1]英汉分裂构式的对比研究[D]. 龚福英.湖南师范大学 2010
[2]英语句法结构的语义焦点域及其认知理据[D]. 曾芝兰.武汉理工大学 2007
[3]论汉语“是”强调句[D]. 胡艳.广东外语外贸大学 2006
【文章页数】:140 页
0.1 Research Background
0.2 Research Significance
0.3 Research Method--corpus
0.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 1 Literature Review
1.1 Definitions of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
1.1.1 Defintions of English Cleft Sentence
1.1.2 Definitions of Chinese Cleft Sentence
1.2 Previous Studies on English Cleft Sentences
1.2.1 Studies from Traditional School
1.2.2 Studies from Transformational-generative Grammar
1.2.3 Studies from Systemic-function Grammar
1.2.4 Studies from Cognitive Linguistics
1.3 Previous Studies on Chinese Cleft Sentences
1.3.1 Studies on the Status of shi
1.3.2 Studies on the Status of de
1.4 Summaary
Chapter 2 Theoretical Foundation
2.1 Trypological Theory
2.1.1 Definitions of Typology
2.1.2 The Development of Typology
2.1.3 Implicational Universals and Grammtical Hierarchies
2.1.4 Typological Markedness
2.2 Figure/Ground Theory
2.3 Grammaticalization
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Syntactic and Semantic Classifications of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
3.1 Syntactic Classifications of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
3.1.1 Syntactic Classifications of English Cleft Sentences
3.1.2 Syntactic Classifications of Chinese Cleft Sentences
3.2 Semantic Classifications of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
3.2.1 Semantic Classifications of English Cleft Sentences
3.2.2 Semantic Classifications of Chinese Cletf Sentences
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Implicational Universals and Grammatical Hierarehies of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.1 Implicational Universals of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.1.1 Implicational Universals of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.1.2 Grammaticalization Explanation of Cleft Sentences
4.2 Markedness Of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.2.1 Markedness of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.2.2 Markedness of Cleft Sentences in Other Languages
4.3 Grammatical Hierarchies of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.3.1 Grammatical Hierarchies of English and Chinese Cletf Sentences
4.3.2 Focus Definiteness Grammatical Hierarchies of English and Chinese Cleft Sentences
4.3.3 Figure/Ground Theory Explanation on Grammatical Hierarchies
4.4 Summary
[1]语言类型学视角下的汉英语序对比研究[J]. 李金满. 当代外语研究. 2010(05)
[2]浅析汉语分裂句中的“是”[J]. 丁广华. 芜湖职业技术学院学报. 2008(02)
[3]语言类型学和我国语言学研究[J]. 罗天华. 北京教育学院学报. 2006(04)
[4]有关焦点问题的一些理论思考[J]. 温锁林,贺桂兰. 语文研究. 2006(02)
[5]标记模式与蕴涵共性[J]. 习晓明. 贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版). 2005(04)
[6]“是”的句法语义属性研究[J]. 陈晓湘,罗琼鹏. 外语教学与研究. 2005(03)
[7]英语分裂句的来源——兼论英汉分裂句差别之因由[J]. 张和友. 外语教学与研究. 2005(02)
[8]语序优势的认知解释(上):论可别度对语序的普遍影响[J]. 陆丙甫. 当代语言学. 2005(01)
[9]英语分裂句的语义语用分析[J]. 王红成. 外语教学. 2004(02)
[10]语言类型学与汉语研究[J]. 刘丹青. 世界汉语教学. 2003(04)
[1]英汉分裂构式的对比研究[D]. 龚福英.湖南师范大学 2010
[2]英语句法结构的语义焦点域及其认知理据[D]. 曾芝兰.武汉理工大学 2007
[3]论汉语“是”强调句[D]. 胡艳.广东外语外贸大学 2006