发布时间:2022-11-09 19:02
本文以评价理论为框架,旨在研究申奥演说中的发话人-受话人认同。本文的主要目标是阐明申奥演说如何通过利用评价资源构建特定的受话人来实现其人际功能。确切的说,本文研究发话人如何通过态度定位和对话定位与受话人形成认同。 理论上讲,公众演说为实现其说服力必须特别注意发话人-受话人认同。申奥演说作为一种公共演说为了赢得更多的选票,尤其注意其中的人际意义。为了赢得国际奥委会的支持,申奥演说利用各种词汇语法资源促使听话人认同某种观点。换而言之,申奥演说中的主题间性定位决定了这些演说是否能取得预期社会意义。因此,申奥演说可以用作研究发话人-听话人认同的典型案例。 本文主要采取定性研究方法,但在总结时也采用定量研究方法。作者首先分析了十六篇申奥演说中的评价资源,然后进行对比和总结。从态度定位的角度来看,十六篇申奥演说中共有336个“态度”,每100个单词中平均有5.34个“态度”。从对话定位的角度来看,427个句子中,393个句子是单声的,34个句子为多声。研究表明,通过使用评价资源促使受话人强烈认同发话人提出的某种特定观点,申奥演说中的说服力得到最大实现。
【文章页数】:103 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 General statement
1.2 Rationales for the present study
1.2.1 Why Appraisal Analysis?
1.2.2 Why speeches bidding for Olympic Games?
1.3 Aims and research questions of the present study
1.4 Methodology of the present study
1.5 Organization
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definitions and classification of public speech
2.2 Previous studies on public speech
2.2.1 Traditional grammar analysis
2.2.2 Content analysis
2.2.3 Stylistic analysis
2.2.4 Critical discourse analysis
2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework of the Present Study
3.1 Appraisal theory
3.1.1 Situating appraisal in systemic-functional linguistics
3.1.2 A brief outline of appraisal
3.2 Attitude
3.2.1 Affect
3.2.2 Judgement
3.2.3 Appreciation
3.2.4 Realization
3.3 Engagement
3.3.1 Monogloss vs. heterogloss
3.3.2 Dialogic contraction
3.3.3 Dialogic expansion
3.4 Graduation
3.4.1 Focus
3.4.2 Force
3.5 Positioning
3.5.1 Attitudinal positioning
3.5.2 Dialogistic positioning
3.6 The analytical framework used in the present study
Chapter Four Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Attitudinal positioning in speeches bidding for Olympic Games
4.1.1 Affects in attitudinal positioning
4.1.2 Judgements in attitudinal positioning
4.1.3 Appreciations in attitudinal positioning
4.1.4 A brief summary of attitudinal positioning
4.2 Monogloss Vs. heterogloss in dialogistic positioning
4.2.1 Monogloss in dialogistic positioning
4.2.2 Heterogloss in dialogistic positioning
4.3 Graduation in dialogistic positioning
4.3.1 Quantifications in dialogistic positioning
4.3.2 Intensifications in dialogistic positioning
4.4 A brief summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Major Findings
5.3 Significance and Limitation
5.4 Suggestions for future study
[1]形式与意义的范畴化——兼评《评价语言——英语的评价系统》[J]. 张德禄,刘世铸. 外语教学与研究. 2006(06)
[2]评价理论:在话语分析中的应用和问题[J]. 李战子. 外语研究. 2004(05)
[3]身份策略的矛盾境地——《论不说汉语》中对中国人特质的评价[J]. 李战子. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2004(05)
[4]“硬新闻”的态度研究——“评价系统”应用研究之二[J]. 王振华. 外语教学. 2004(05)
[5]新闻话语的评价系统[J]. 刘世铸,韩金龙. 外语电化教学. 2004(04)
[6]评价与文化模式[J]. 李战子. 山东外语教学. 2004(02)
[7]评价系统及其运作——系统功能语言学的新发展[J]. 王振华. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2001(06)
【文章页数】:103 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 General statement
1.2 Rationales for the present study
1.2.1 Why Appraisal Analysis?
1.2.2 Why speeches bidding for Olympic Games?
1.3 Aims and research questions of the present study
1.4 Methodology of the present study
1.5 Organization
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definitions and classification of public speech
2.2 Previous studies on public speech
2.2.1 Traditional grammar analysis
2.2.2 Content analysis
2.2.3 Stylistic analysis
2.2.4 Critical discourse analysis
2.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework of the Present Study
3.1 Appraisal theory
3.1.1 Situating appraisal in systemic-functional linguistics
3.1.2 A brief outline of appraisal
3.2 Attitude
3.2.1 Affect
3.2.2 Judgement
3.2.3 Appreciation
3.2.4 Realization
3.3 Engagement
3.3.1 Monogloss vs. heterogloss
3.3.2 Dialogic contraction
3.3.3 Dialogic expansion
3.4 Graduation
3.4.1 Focus
3.4.2 Force
3.5 Positioning
3.5.1 Attitudinal positioning
3.5.2 Dialogistic positioning
3.6 The analytical framework used in the present study
Chapter Four Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Attitudinal positioning in speeches bidding for Olympic Games
4.1.1 Affects in attitudinal positioning
4.1.2 Judgements in attitudinal positioning
4.1.3 Appreciations in attitudinal positioning
4.1.4 A brief summary of attitudinal positioning
4.2 Monogloss Vs. heterogloss in dialogistic positioning
4.2.1 Monogloss in dialogistic positioning
4.2.2 Heterogloss in dialogistic positioning
4.3 Graduation in dialogistic positioning
4.3.1 Quantifications in dialogistic positioning
4.3.2 Intensifications in dialogistic positioning
4.4 A brief summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Major Findings
5.3 Significance and Limitation
5.4 Suggestions for future study
[1]形式与意义的范畴化——兼评《评价语言——英语的评价系统》[J]. 张德禄,刘世铸. 外语教学与研究. 2006(06)
[2]评价理论:在话语分析中的应用和问题[J]. 李战子. 外语研究. 2004(05)
[3]身份策略的矛盾境地——《论不说汉语》中对中国人特质的评价[J]. 李战子. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2004(05)
[4]“硬新闻”的态度研究——“评价系统”应用研究之二[J]. 王振华. 外语教学. 2004(05)
[5]新闻话语的评价系统[J]. 刘世铸,韩金龙. 外语电化教学. 2004(04)
[6]评价与文化模式[J]. 李战子. 山东外语教学. 2004(02)
[7]评价系统及其运作——系统功能语言学的新发展[J]. 王振华. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2001(06)