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发布时间:2023-04-09 01:34
  1949年至1976年间的外国文学作品翻译研究在我国一直处于一个被遗忘的角落,直到最近几年才引起国内学者们的关注。但是,学界对这一时期的外国文学作品翻译选材的研究并不是很多,而从翻译的文化研究视域对其进行的探讨与研究则更少。本文主要从文化学派视域的角度对这一阶段的外国文学作品的翻译选材进行深入的研究。 本文的理论框架是文化学派代表人物勒弗维尔的改写理论,又辅之以埃文·佐哈尔的多元系统理论中有关翻译文学在文学多元系统中所处的地位的相关理论。在勒弗维尔看来,一切翻译都可以看作是改写。在翻译的过程中,译者的翻译行为不可避免地会受到时代和社会文化的影响和制约,从而也就使译者的翻译成了一种在特定文化、思想、意识形态话语中的改写、变形或再创造。在这个意义上,勒弗维尔认为译入语文化的意识形态、诗学、赞助人是操纵文学翻译的三种基本力量,其中意识形态对翻译文学的制约和影响尤为显著。 由于中国特殊的政治历史背景,1949年至1976间的外国文学作品翻译选材被高度地意识形态化,使其具有鲜明的阶级性和服从性。换句话说,这一时期的外国文学作品翻译选材是在中国共产党和中央政府的领导之下,始终遵循着党的文艺方针,与...

【文章页数】:100 页


Acknowledgement Abstract (English) 摘要 Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The background of the present study
1.2 The scope and the motivation and rationality of the study
1.3 The significance of the study
1.4 The research methodology
1.5 The layout of the thesis Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Development of cultural translation studies in the west
2.2 Development of cultural translation studies in China
2.3 Foreign literary translation studies from 1949 to 1976
2.4 Summary Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Some essentials of Lefevere’s Rewriting theory
    3.1.1 Ideology
    3.1.2 Poetics
    3.1.3 Patronage
3.2 The Polysystem theory related to this thesis
3.3 Summary Chapter 4 Analysis of the Selection of Foreign Literary Translation from 1949 to 1966
4.1 The background of the selection of literary translation
    4.1.1 Political background
    4.1.2 Diplomatic background
    4.1.3 The develoment direction of literature and art
4.2 The selection of literary translation
    4.2.1 Selection of source text countries
    4.2.2 Selection of source text writers
    4.2.3 Selection of source texts
4.3 The characteristics of the selection of literary translation
4.4 Analysis of the selection of literary translation i111949-1966
    4.4.1 Manipulation of the selection of literary translation by patronage and ideology
    4.4.2 Manipulation of the selection of literary translation by poetics
    4.4.3 Translator’s subjectivity in the selection of literary translation
4.5 The position of translated literature in the literary polysystem
4.6 The influence of translated literature on national literary creation
4.7 Summary Chapter 5 Analysis of the Selection of Foreign Literary Translations from1966 to 1976
5.1 The background of the selection of literary translation
    5.1.1 Political background
    5.1.2 Diplomatic situation
    5.1.3 The development direction of literature and art
5.2 The selection of literary translation in the CRP
    5.2.1 Selection of source text countries
    5.2.2 Selection of source text writers
    5.2.3 Selection of source texts
5.3 The characteristics of the selection of literary translation
5.4 Analysis of the selection of literary translation in the CRP
    5.4.1 Manipulation of the selection of literary translation by ideology and patronage
    5.4.2 Manipulation of the selection of literary translation by poetics
    5.4.3 Translators’subjectivity in the selection of literary translation in the CRP .
5.5 The position of translated literature in the literary polysystem
5.6 The influence of translated literature on national literary creation
5.7 Summary Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Main findings of this thesis
6.2 Significance for further study
6.3 Limitations Bibliography




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