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发布时间:2024-02-13 17:28
  语言是社会发展和人类文明的自然产物,因此也在不断的变化和更新中。近些年来,随着各国经济、文化、政治间的交流越来越频繁,不同语言社区间的联系也随之变得更加紧密。在网络广泛进入人们日常生活以后,这一现象变得尤为显著。网络不仅为网民们提供了一个虚拟社区让信息交流变得更方便,它同时也对我们的语言和日常交际产生了巨大的影响。这样一来,“网络语言”就应运而生了。所谓“网络语言”,是指人们在网页、电子邮件、网络聊天室或者网上论坛里所使用的语言。由于网络语言的丰富性和随意性,我们可以在网络交际中发现大量的语码混用现象。本文从模因论的视角出发,分析网络语言中的语码混用现象,以期深化对网络语言的形成和演化机制的研究。 模因论是以达尔文的进化论为基础,用来解释文化进化规律的一种新理论。根据模因论,模因是人类思想观念、文化、语言和行为的基本传播单位。本文运用模因论的基本观点,将网络语言中的语言混用现象看作是模因复制和传播的结果。 本研究旨在解决以下几个问题:(1)网络语言中的“语码”该如何定义?怎样对网络语言‘中的语码混用现象进行分类?它们有怎样的特点?(2)为什么可以将语码混用现象看作模因传播的结果?这样的...

【文章页数】:65 页


Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 Rationale of the Study
    1.2 Significance and purpose of the Study
    1.3 Research methodology and data collection
    1.4 Layout of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
    2.1 Previous Studies on Netspeak
        2.1.1 Definition and Characteristics of Netspeak
        2.1.2 Previous studies on netspeak
    2.2 Literature Review of Code-mixing
        2.2.1 Definition of code-mixing
        2.2.2 Code-mixing and Code-switching
        2.2.3 Approaches to the Study on Code-mixing and Code-switching
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
    3.1 The Origin and Definition of Meme
    3.2 Major relevant concepts of Meme
        3.2.1 Meme and Memeplex
        3.2.2 Host and Vector
        3.2.3 Memetic genotype and memetic phenotype
        3.2.4 Strong meme and weak meme
    3.3 Features of successful memes
        3.3.1 Longevity
        3.3.2 Fecundity
        3.3.3 Copy-fidelity
    3.4 Life cycle of memes
        3.4.1 Assimilation
        3.4.2 Retention
        3.4.3 Expression
        3.4.4 Transmission
    3.5 Memetic Study in Language
        3.5.1 Impacts of Memes on Language Evolution
        3.5.2 Impacts of Language on Memes Transmitting
        3.5.3 Patterns of language memes
    3.6 Summary
Chapter Four Data Collection and Methodology
    4.1 The Research Questions
    4.2 Data sources analysis and the collection approaches
    4.3 Principles for data collection
    4.4 Research methodology
Chapter Five A Memetic Analysis of Code-mixing in Netspeak
    5.1 Code-mixing as language meme(or replicator)
        5.1.1 Variation
        5.1.2 Selection
        5.1.3 Retention
    5.2 Classification of code-mixing in netspeak from the memetic perspective
        5.2.1 Mixing of foreign language memes
        5.2.2 Mixing of Chinese dialect memes
        5.2.3 Mixing of letter memes
        5.2.4 Mixing of numbers and emoticon memes
    5.3 Generation Process of Code-mixing in Netspeak
        5.3.1 Assimilation of Codes in the netspeak
        5.3.2 Retention of code-mixing in the netspeak
        5.3.3 Expression of code-mixing in the netspeak
        5.3.4 Transmission of code-mixing in the netspeak
    5.4 Memetic Selection Criteria of successful code-mixing in netspeak
        5.4.1 Utility
        5.4.2 Rationality
        5.4.3 Novelty
        5.4.4 Authority
    5.5 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Major findings of the present study
    6.2 Limitations of the present study
    6.3 Suggestions for further study




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