发布时间:2017-08-01 01:30
【关键词】:郭沫若 翻译实践 诗学 意识形态 影响
- Abstract4-6
- 摘要6-11
- Introduction11-19
- 0.1 Research Background11-14
- 0.2 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis14-15
- 0.3 Research Methodology15-17
- 0.4 Structure of the Thesis17-19
- Chapter One A General Survey of Guo Moruo's Translation Practice19-29
- 1.1 The Period When Studying in Japan:1914-192319-23
- 1.2 The Great Revolution Period:1923-192823-25
- 1.3 The Period When Exiled in Japan:1928-193725-27
- 1.4 The Period After 1937:1937-196927-29
- Chapter Two The Influence of Poetics on Guo Moruo's Translation Practice29-41
- 2.1 The Dominant Poetics in Guo Moruo's Time and Its Influence30-35
- 2.1.1 The Dominant Poetics Before the 1920s and Its Influence30-33
- 2.1.2 The Dominant Poetics After the 1920s and Its Influence33-35
- 2.2 Guo Moruo's Own Poetics and Its Influence35-41
- 2.2.1 Guo's Preference for Chinese Classical Poems and Its Influence35-37
- 2.2.2 Guo's Preference for Western Literature and Its Influence37-41
- Chapter Three Ideological Manipulation on Guo Moruo's Translation Practice41-59
- 3.1 Ideological Manipulation on Guo Moruo's Translation Purpose41-46
- 3.1.1 The Ideal to Waken the Chinese People Through Translation42-43
- 3.1.2 The Attempt to Construct Chinese Vernacular Literature Through Translation43-46
- 3.2 Ideological Manipulation on Guo Moruo's Choice of Source Text46-50
- 3.2.1 Manipulated by the Mainstream Ideology46-48
- 3.2.2 Manipulated by the Individual Ideology48-50
- 3.3 Ideological Manipulation on Guo Moruo's Translation Strategies50-59
- 3.3.1 Flavor Translation50-53
- 3.3.2 Free Verse53-55
- 3.3.3 Rewriting55-59
- Chapter Four The Influence of Guo Moruo's Translation Activities59-79
- 4.1 Guo Moruo's Translation Activities and the Transformation of His World Outlook59-64
- 4.1.1 Pantheism in Guo Moruo's Early Life59-61
- 4.1.2 The Influence of Translation on the Formation of Guo Moruo's Marxist World Outlook61-64
- 4.2 The Influence of Guo Moruo's Poetry Translation on His New Poetry Creation and Beyond64-79
- 4.2.1 The Inspiration of Guo Moruo's Poetry Translation on His New Poetry Creation65-67
- 4.2.2 The Influence of Guo Moruo's Poetry Translation on the Style of His New Poetry67-70
- 4.2.3 Guo Moruo's Poetry Translation and the Construction of Chinese New Poetics70-74
- 4.2.4 Guo Moruo's Literary Translation and the Spread of Foreign Literature in China74-79
- Conclusion79-81
- Bibliography81-87
- Acknowledgements87-89
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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5 陈晓春;在“泛神论”的背后──郭沫若早期哲学思想再探[J];郭沫若学刊;1994年03期
6 税海模;传统精神的现代化──也谈郭沫若泛神论的背后[J];郭沫若学刊;1995年02期
7 胡强;试论郭沫若诗歌的崇高美[J];玉林师专学报;1999年02期
8 ;2013年《郭沫若学刊》总目录[J];郭沫若学刊;2013年04期
9 李波;;郭沫若诗歌中的巴蜀文化精神之解读[J];现代语文;2006年07期
10 ;《中国作家》举办“建国六十周年诗歌、散文征文”暨“郭沫若诗歌散文奖”评奖启事[J];中国作家;2008年23期
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