发布时间:2017-08-18 19:20
【关键词】:言语行为 祝颂言语行为 跨文化交际
- 摘要2-3
- Abstract3-7
- Chapter One Introduction7-11
- 1.1Background of the Present Study7-9
- 1.2 Objectives of the Study9
- 1.3 Significance of the Study9-10
- 1.4 Organization of the Thesis10-11
- Chapter Two Literature Review11-23
- 2.1 Speech Act Theory11-14
- 2.1.1 Austin’s Taxonomy about Speech Acts11-12
- 2.1.2 Searle’s Taxonomy about Speech Acts12-14
- 2.2 Politeness theory14-17
- 2.3 Previous Studies on Congratulatory Speech Act17-23
- Chapter Three Methodology23-26
- 3.1 Research Questions23
- 3.2 Subjects23-24
- 3.3 Research Instruments24-25
- 3.4 Procedure25-26
- Chapter Four Results and Discussion26-44
- 4.1 Discourse Modes26-30
- 4.2 Congratulating Strategies30-38
- 4.2.1 The Categories of Congratulating Strategies30-33
- 4.2.2 The Distribution of Congratulating Strategies33-38
- 4.3 The Reasons for Similarities and Differences on Congratulatory Speech Actbetween C hinese and American College s tudents38-44
- 4.3.1 The Reasons for Similarities on Congratulatory Speech Act betweenChinese and American College students38-39
- 4.3.2 The Reasons for Differences on Congratulatory Speech Acts betweenChinese and American College students39-44
- Chapter Five Conclusion44-50
- 5.1 Summary of the Study44-46
- 5.2 Implications of the Findings46-48
- 5.3 Limitations of the Study48
- 5.4 Suggestions of the Study48-50
- Bibliography50-53
- Appendix I: Questionnaire of Ame rican College Students’ Congratulations53-55
- Appendix II: Questionnaire of Chinese College Students’ Congratulations55-56
- 攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文56-57
- Acknowledgements57-58
中国期刊全文数据库 前1条
1 毕继万;;“礼貌”的文化特性研究[J];世界汉语教学;1996年01期
中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前1条
1 张彩红;社会权力对道歉言语行为的影响[D];上海外国语大学;2008年