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发布时间:2018-03-10 13:36

  本文选题:中古译经 切入点:完成动词 出处:《北京外国语大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在汉语语法史的研究中,现代汉语体貌标记的来源、发展与演变机制一直是学术界关注的焦点。随着近年来体貌系统研究的深入,许多学者已经将副词、语气词、完成动词都纳入到完成体的考察研究范围内。由于完成体副词、完成体语气词都是由完成动词最终虚化而来,因此想要准确把握现代汉语完成体标记的来源,就必须弄清楚整个中古时期完成动词的使用情况。由于汉译佛经保留了大量的口语成分,所以本文以中古译经作为研究语料,在语言接触的视角下,对完成动词"毕""竟""讫""已"在中古译经中所处的语言环境进行穷尽式的统计,并采用情状类型理论、语法化理论等现代语言学理论,从句法、语义等多方面对其所处句式进行阐释。本论文围绕完成动词"毕" "竟" "讫" "已"在中古译经中的使用频率、语法功能与性质、发展与演变机制等核心议题,最终得出以下结论:首先,在使用频率方面,从共时角度来看,"已"的出现频率占绝对优势,其次是"毕","竟"和"讫"的出现频率较低;从历时角度来看,"已"的使用频次从东汉、魏晋南北朝到隋唐不断增加,而"毕" "竟" "讫"则逐渐减少,到隋唐时期,几乎退出了历史舞台。其次,在语法功能与性质方面,中古译经的完成动词,除了"毕"只具有谓语动词的语法功能外,"竟""讫""已"都由谓语动词向动相补语的方向发展。而且虽然它们都处于"V+毕/竟/讫/己"的这一结构形式中,但是它们处于语法化过程中的不同阶段,"已"的虚化程度最高,"竟"和"讫"处于语法化的中间阶段,"毕"语法化程度最低。从完成动词"毕""竟""讫""已"在中古时期的发展与演变情况来看,在演变动因方面,我们得出不同语言之间的接触虽然对汉语的发展起到了重要的推动作用,但这也是次要的力量,真正起主导作用的力量还是汉语系统内部自身的发展。而且重新分析和类推是其主要的演变机制。此外,我们还对同经异译本进行了比较分析,发现完成动词在使用频率上的差异还与译者的母语和翻译风格有关。
[Abstract]:In the study of the history of Chinese grammar, the origin, development and evolution mechanism of modern Chinese body appearance markers have been the focus of academic circles. Since the perfect aspect adverbs are all formed by the final vacuity of the perfect verbs, they want to accurately grasp the origin of the perfect aspect markers in modern Chinese. It is necessary to understand the use of the completed verbs throughout the Middle Ancient period. Since the Buddhist scriptures in Chinese have retained a large number of spoken language elements, this paper uses the Medieval Translation Sutra as the research corpus, from the perspective of language contact. This paper makes exhaustive statistics on the linguistic environment in which the completed verb "Bi" and "Ji" have been in, and adopts modern linguistic theories, such as situation type theory, grammaticalization theory, and so on, from the syntactic point of view. This thesis focuses on the use frequency, grammatical function and nature, development and evolution mechanism of the verb "Bi", "Ji" and "already" in the Medieval Classics. Finally, the following conclusions are drawn: first, from the synchronic point of view, the frequency of "already" is the absolute dominant, and the second is "Bi", "Jing" and "Ji" the frequency of occurrence is relatively low; From a diachronic point of view, the frequency of the use of "already" increased from the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties to the Sui and Tang dynasties, while the "Bi" "unexpectedly" "Ji" gradually decreased, and by the Sui and Tang dynasties, it almost withdrew from the historical stage. Secondly, In terms of grammatical function and nature, the completed verbs of the Middle Classics, Except that "Bi" has only the grammatical function of predicate verbs, "Jing" "Ji" and "already" develop from predicate verbs to verb complements. But they are in different stages of grammaticalization, the degree of "already" is the highest, "Jing" and "Ji" are in the middle stage of grammaticalization, and "Bi" is the lowest. From the point of view of the development and evolution of the Middle Ancient period, In terms of the causes of evolution, we draw the conclusion that although the contact between different languages has played an important role in promoting the development of Chinese, it is also a secondary force. The real dominant force is the development of the Chinese system itself, and reanalysis and analogy are its main evolution mechanisms. In addition, we also make a comparative analysis of the different versions of the same classics. It is also found that the differences in the frequency of use of the completed verbs are related to the translator's mother tongue and translation style.


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