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发布时间:2018-03-10 21:45

  本文选题:体标记 切入点:汉语二语习得 出处:《汉语学习》2017年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, the composition of native Japanese students in the composition Corpus of Chinese proficiency Test is used as the corpus to analyze sentence patterns. The effects of verb situation type and discourse progression on the use of aspect markers in interlanguage, such as "have", "both", "too" and "in". The results show that the learners have poor control over the use of aspect markers in some sentence patterns and sentence structures. Because of the particularity of Chinese, the phenomenon of insufficient use of aspect markers by learners is not serious, but there is a phenomenon of multi-use, and there is a phenomenon that the learners use "less" in foreground sentences. However, there are many phenomena in background sentences. This study has some significance for the development of aspect marker second language acquisition theory and the teaching of aspect marker.
【作者单位】: 香港浸会大学英国语言文学系;


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