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发布时间:2018-03-10 22:37

  本文选题:多模态话语分析 切入点:视觉语法 出处:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:生活中我们常常可以看到广泛存在的各种话题的多模态语篇,如影视作品、购物网页、新闻杂志等。随着中国反腐运动的开展,多模态反腐语篇也越来越吸引我们的眼球,它通过多种模态如图像、颜色等来建立语篇和读者之间的联系,达到两者之间的信息及情感交流。尽管学者们对各类话题的多模态语篇进行了研究,但涉及到对反腐话题的研究还不多。因此,本文将探索中国反腐的多模态语篇,以期帮助读者更好地解读该类语篇。本文选取了《反腐风暴》和《半月谈》中的15篇多模态反腐语篇,以Kress和van Leeuwen的视觉语法和韩礼德的系统功能语法为理论基础,分别从再现意义、互动意义和构图意义三个方面来分析反腐图像的意义生成并从语言的及物性角度分析反腐文字。此外,本文还从15篇反腐语篇中选出一个典型样本,并对该语篇的像和文字进行分析,从而阐述该语篇是如何融合各种符号来表达完整的反腐意义。最后,本文从反腐图像的再现意义和反腐文字的及物性之间的联系,探讨反腐图像和反腐文字之间是否存在内在的联系,以及两者如何结合表达反腐意义。研究表明,第一,反腐图像的再现意义的主要作用是阐述腐败事件的背景信息。第二,反腐图像的互动意义在反腐语篇中扮演了主要角色,可以通过接触、社会距离和态度来体现,从而吸引读者的注意力。第三,反腐图像的构图意义通过信息值和显著性来合理布局各个符号系统来体现。第四,通过分析比较反腐图像的再现意义和反腐文字的及物性,发现反腐文字和反腐图像能够很好地进行互动,从而共同构建多模态反腐语篇的意义。因此,本文的研究意义在于不仅拓宽了多模态语篇分析的领域,为其他研究提供借鉴意义,而且还能提高读者对反腐语篇的多模态识读能力。
[Abstract]:In our life, we can often see multi-modal discourse on a wide range of topics, such as film and television works, shopping web pages, news magazines, etc. With the development of anti-corruption campaign in China, multi-modal anti-corruption discourse has become more and more attractive to our attention. It establishes the connection between the text and the reader through a variety of modes such as images, colors, etc., and achieves the communication of information and emotion between the two, although scholars have studied the multi-modal discourse on various topics. However, there is not much research on the topic of anti-corruption. Therefore, this paper will explore the multi-modal discourse on anti-corruption in China. In order to help readers better interpret this kind of discourse, this paper selects 15 multi-modal anti-corruption discourses in Anti-Corruption Storm and Half-Moon talk, which are based on the visual grammar of Kress and van Leeuwen and Halliday's systemic functional Grammar. This paper analyzes the meaning generation of anti-corruption images from the aspects of reproduction meaning, interactive meaning and composition meaning, and analyzes the anti-corruption writing from the perspective of language and materiality. In addition, this paper also selects a typical sample from 15 anti-corruption texts. By analyzing the image and text of the text, this paper expounds how the text combines various symbols to express the complete anti-corruption meaning. Finally, this paper analyzes the relationship between the reproduction of the anti-corruption image and the character and materiality of the anti-corruption text. This paper discusses whether there is an inherent link between the anti-corruption image and the anti-corruption text, and how the two can combine to express the anti-corruption significance. First, the main function of the reproduction significance of the anti-corruption image is to elaborate the background information of the corruption incident. The interactive meaning of the anti-corruption image plays a major role in anti-corruption discourse, which can be expressed through contact, social distance and attitude, thus attracting readers' attention. The composition significance of the anti-corruption image is reflected by the information value and significance to reasonably distribute each symbol system. 4th, by analyzing and comparing the reproduction meaning of the anti-corruption image and the character and materiality of the anti-corruption text, It is found that the anti-corruption text and the anti-corruption image can interact well so as to construct the meaning of the multi-modal anti-corruption discourse together. Therefore, the research significance of this paper lies in not only broadening the field of multi-modal discourse analysis, but also the relationship between the text and the text. It can also improve readers' multi-modal reading ability of anti-corruption discourse.


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