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发布时间:2018-03-11 02:14

  本文选题:早期北京话 切入点:语音弱化 出处:《中国语文》2017年04期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Scholars have different views on the relationship between "er" and "La", such as weakening theory and strengthening rhyme theory. The materials of Beijing dialect from the middle period of Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China are examined. It can be seen that the function word "has" experienced four stages: Li ao in Beijing dialect. 鈫扡o. 鈫扡a. 鈫扚rom the first stage to the third stage, the development of "tip2" was faster than that of "tip1", and from the third stage to the stage of 4th it was the different stages of the development of the pronunciations of the "speech 1" and the "speech 2". There are different ways of writing, such as "Rao", "up", "La" and so on. The phonetic weakening of Beijing dialect caused by soft voice often occurs the "a" phenomenon of vowels. "the pronunciation of different stages of phonetic change can coexist in the same period." And there is a less strict division of labor. "La" is the same as "Row". It is only the phonetic form of the intermediate stage of the weakening of the phonetic. The investigation of the cross-dialect shows that the phonetic change of the phonetics shows four stages, that is, the vowel of I and the vowel without the vowel of I. There is parallelism between the two types. Different phonetic forms of the early Beijing dialect can be found in other dialects.
【作者单位】: 北京大学中文系;四川师范大学文学院;北京对外经济贸易大学中文学院;


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