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发布时间:2018-03-11 07:50

  本文选题:对外汉语教学 切入点:春节节俗文化 出处:《沈阳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The basic goal of teaching Chinese as a foreign language is to cultivate the communicative competence of Chinese learners, which is not only inseparable from language teaching, but also from culture teaching. Only in order to maximize the success of cross-cultural communication of learners, can we not ignore the teaching of Chinese culture. The Spring Festival festival culture plays an important role in our culture, and after thousands of years of inheritance and development, Has formed a unique historical and cultural tradition, has become the carrier of countless Chinese emotions. The situational teaching method focuses on helping the students understand the teaching content and teaching in a happy way by creating the scene, which helps to mobilize the students to take the initiative in learning and improve their acceptability of the learning content. This paper attempts to combine the Chinese as a foreign language festival vulgar culture lesson with the scene teaching method, and probes into the relevant problems of the foreign language Chinese festival vulgar culture teaching under the guidance of the scene teaching method. It is mainly divided into five parts: the first chapter introduces the purpose, significance, content and method of the research, summarizes the previous research results and points out the shortcomings of the existing research. Taking some middle and advanced Chinese learners as the objects of investigation, the author carries out a questionnaire survey, analyzes and summarizes their needs for the teaching of the popular culture lesson during the Spring Festival, and prepares for the teaching design. This paper analyzes the feasibility of situational teaching method in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language festival culture course. The advantage analysis of situational teaching method in the Spring Festival festival culture course mainly includes three angles: teaching object, teaching content and creating situation. Chapter 4th, from the brief introduction of curriculum, analyzes the advantages of situational teaching method from two aspects: advantage and application value. The teaching principles, teaching objectives, teaching contents and teaching methods are analyzed as a whole in this paper. Chapter 5th, according to the whole teaching design of the Spring Festival Culture course in Chinese as a Foreign language, Taking Chinese learners in advanced classes as teaching objects, taking New Year's Eve and Spring Festival culture as teaching contents and situational teaching methods as the main teaching methods, this paper gives a case study of teaching design. Finally, the conclusion of the paper summarizes the main points of this paper.


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