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发布时间:2018-03-11 07:31

  本文选题:跨文化 切入点:文化差异 出处:《天津商业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The trade friction between the countries concerned official news reports of cultural differences to study the relevant countries to help find out how to reduce or solve trade friction between the two countries is of great value. Based on the cultural dimension theory and Holzer Hofstede's level of cultural context as the theoretical basis, which of the two countries from 2013 to 2016 were research. On the 40 official report of the trade friction, the 20 Chinese reports from the Ministry of Commerce China official news website 20 reported in the United States from the United States Trade Representative Office official website. Through the analysis of the two countries reported differences in language use, to explore the differences in the value dimension and the level of cultural context and culture of the two countries will further study the data obtained with the traditional cultural value index were compared. The article consists of six chapters. The first chapter is the Research Brief The second is the problem; literature review and research; the third chapter introduces the theoretical framework of this study; the fourth chapter introduces the research data sources and research methods; the cultural characteristics of China and the United States reported the use of language and reflects the difference of the fifth chapter gives a detailed comparison; the sixth chapter expatiates on the research results of the summary. The study found that the two official reports about trade frictions have obvious differences in language use, mainly reflected in the cultural differences include: individualism and collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; power distance; long time orientation and short time orientation; high context and low context culture. It is worth noting that in power the distance, from some specific terms (such as workers, family use), the United States belongs to the low power distance culture, which is also consistent with the traditional theory of cultural dimensions. However, in the United States The official reports of trade friction, high - power distance is higher than the frequency of use of low power distance, - this is the special trade friction official news reports are different from the traditional theory of cross culture index. This paper not only reveals the Sino US trade friction official reported in the use of language differences and cultural differences reflected, also put forward a new perspective of cross-cultural research, the comparison of existing research results and the data dimension index reflects the value of cultural and cultural value in the previous theory is consistent, if not consistent, which is further found that the difference.



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