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发布时间:2018-03-11 08:43

  本文选题:山江苗语 切入点:借词 出处:《吉首大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:On the basis of four field investigations, the author collected loan words from Miao language in Fenghuang Mountain to Chinese, analyzed the relationship between loan words and Chinese in Shanjiang Miao language, and introduced that the main way to borrow words is complete translation. This paper discusses the use of loan words in Miao language from the perspective of sociolinguistics, and analyzes the main reasons for borrowing words in Miao language, such as the needs of Miao language itself and the needs of social development, because of the historical level of loan words in Miao dialect. Therefore, this paper focuses on the historical level of loanwords borrowing, and analyzes the pronunciation of Chinese loanwords borrowed from Miao dialect in different periods from the perspective of language contact. This paper investigates more than 3000 loanwords, and analyzes 206 loanwords with examples, which are roughly divided into modern and modern times. There are 60 cases of loanwords analyzed in the modern layer. The borrowing level is judged by comparison with Putonghua and local dialects. The method of judging loan words is mainly from tone of voice. The main features of the loan layer are tone, consonant and vowel correspondence. 63 cases of loanwords are analyzed in modern times. The main features of this loanword level are tone, consonant and vowel are basically corresponding to Putonghua, and Shanjianghan dialect has formed partial correspondence, but not completely. Some middle ancient Chinese pronunciation has been preserved, and there are traces of Putonghua and Shanjiang Chinese pronunciation. In ancient times, 83 cases of loan words were analyzed in the ancient and middle layers. In ancient times, the ancient and middle ancient loanwords were unable to explore the ancient pronunciation of local dialects. In this paper, the phonetic variation of borrowed words in Miao language is analyzed, and the level of loan loan is determined by using the near principle of Miao Han sound, and the loanword pronunciation is close to the ancient times as the upper layer, according to Guo Xiliang's "Ancient Chinese phonetic Manual". The pronunciation is close to the middle ancient times for the middle ancient layer. Some Miao words have the same meaning as the ancient Chinese pronunciation, so it is difficult to distinguish between the homologous words and the loanwords, so this article is called the relational words, and analyzes 10 related words.


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