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发布时间:2018-03-12 09:53

  本文选题:汉蒙文化 切入点:动物成语 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, Chinese and Mongolian words contained in the "wolf" animal idioms as an example, behind the Chinese and Mongolian idioms and cultural connotations of idioms were analyzed further. The comparative study of Chinese and Mongolian animal idioms at home and abroad is still a weak link, and there is no research to the specific animal for example. Therefore, the author with "wolf" character idioms as the representative of the Mongolian and Chinese idioms and culture are studied. According to the Chinese and Mongolian idioms containing "wolf" character idioms, for example, for some of these differences and make specific explanation. Then through the analysis of Chinese and Mongolian related "the wolf" this animal idiom emotional color, that people of different countries for a kind of likes and dislikes attitude of the animal, and carries on the analysis. Finally the author also pointed out the phenomenon of the Mongolian and Chinese Idioms The reason, to a profound and easy to understand, is easy to be accepted by the public. The contents are as follows: the first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the previous research results and the research purpose, research methods, content and significance, and the innovation of this paper. The second chapter is the main part of the beginning, is the author of the Mongolian and Chinese idioms in classification and sorting with the "wolf" idioms. In this chapter, the author classifies the Chinese and Mongolian in this kind of idiom, and in the form of show. Regardless of the type or quantity that contain the word "wolf" in Mongolian idioms are more abundant than Chinese. This is due to the Mongols and the wolf "" spending more time with Chinese "wolf" along more time. In the third chapter the author studies the comparative analysis with the "wolf" word semantic classification. Through combing the Mongolian and Chinese idioms can be seen in the "wolf" in Chinese and Mongolian idioms have semantic similarities and differences. The same point is, Hammond containing "wolf" word idioms in a few "wolf" word phrase in the same sense, there is a part of the idiom meaning similar or the same, but take is different from Mongolia in the idiom "wolf" image of the animal. As part of the "wolf" character idioms are unique in Mongolia. The study found that idiom emotional color is not the same, which is caused by differences in Chinese Mongolian wolf, and the root of the differences in culture. The fourth chapter is the comparison of Mongolian and Chinese idioms containing the word "wolf" idiom culture. Two character idioms containing "wolf" from the situation of Chinese Mongolian culture and Mongolian wolf in this chapter the author's cultural connotation and causes are discussed. Through the study found that Chinese Mongolian culture have both generality and individuality. There are commonness because there is interoperability between both sides in the long Chinese Mongolian culture. The exchange was formed in the same Or similar culture. Individuality is difference. This is because the two countries have different natural environment, different way of thinking and religious belief. In the communication and communication between nations, we must respect each other and seek common ground while reserving differences so that we can promote the prosperity and development of all ethnic cultures.



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