本文选题:时间隐喻 + 运动 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The study of the concept of time has been paid more and more attention. According to conceptual metaphor theory, most concepts, especially abstract ones, are understood by metaphor. The use of the concept of motion to understand the concept of time is a reflection of this point. This paper aims to compare the use of sports time metaphors in English and Chinese. In this study, the author collected 507 motion-time related data from LCMC and FLOB corpus, including 261 in English and 246 in Chinese. Based on the characteristics of these data, The author puts forward three research questions: (1) what kind of motion time metaphor is there in English and Chinese respectively? (2) what are the similarities and differences between English and Chinese in the understanding of sports time metaphors? 3) what are the reasons for these similarities and differences? In order to obtain a true and accurate answer, the author uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods. First, these data are divided into different categories according to time trajectory and motion patterns. Then, these data are analyzed from two aspects: motion trajectory (straight line trajectory and curve trajectory) and motion mode (motion time mode, motion self mode, motion self and time pattern and and time series model). The data analysis shows that the use of the concept of motion to represent and understand the concept of time is common in English and Chinese, but there are different degrees of differences between them. The interaction between body and physical environment, that is, human common experience is the same, so the understanding of time has similarities. However, the social environment is influenced by many factors, such as history, culture, religion, values and political system. Therefore, there are many differences in time interpretation between English and Chinese. Therefore, the conclusion of this study will certainly promote and enlighten English and Chinese cross-cultural communication as well as English teaching.
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