本文选题:生态批评话语分析 + 生态性 ; 参考:《四川外国语大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:“绿色话语”指讨论环境话题的话语,最初由Harréet al.于1999年提出。随着当下生态的逐渐恶化、环境问题日益突出,对“绿色话语”的研究引起越来越多学者们的关注。本文正是基于这一背景,以“绿色和平”网站上选取的“绿色话语”为研究对象,应用费尔克劳夫的三维分析模型研究其背后的意识形态,探讨其是否有利于环境,即对“绿色话语”生态性进行批评分析。本文共分为五部分。第一部分主要介绍研究的出发点、研究问题、研究意义和本文的大体结构;第二部分首先回顾了语言和生态两者关系之间的研究,然后介绍了“绿色话语”在国内外的相关研究;第三部分主要介绍费尔克劳夫三维分析模型的理论框架;第四部分对“绿色话语”做了详细的分析,并揭示其背后的意识形态;第五部分对全文进行了总结,指出本论文研究的意义和不足之处。费尔克劳夫三维分析模型由描述、阐释、解释三步骤组成,是一套较为系统、完善的语篇分析模型。在描述阶段,主要从词、句子、语篇三个层次对“绿色话语”进行描述;在阐释阶段,主要提出几种假设对文本进行阐释;在解释阶段,得出了“绿色话语”具有人类中心主义意识形态取向的结论。根据深层生态的原则,人类中心主义对环境是有害的,如果不从根本上摒弃人类中心主义,生态问题也就不可能彻底解决。研究表明,“绿色话语”虽然提倡保护环境,但其背后却是由人类中心主义支撑,即人类是站在自己的角度去衡量周围事物的价值,而这从根本上并不利于环境问题的改善,同样也不能真正提高人类的环保意识。所以,读者在阅读文本时,应提高自身的批评性思维,提高对语言所暗含意识形态的敏感性,同时该研究也为从语言的角度解决环境问题做出了进一步的努力。
[Abstract]:"Green discourse" refers to the discussion of environmental topics, originally by Harr 茅 et al. Proposed in 1999. With the gradual deterioration of ecology and environmental problems, more and more scholars pay attention to the study of Green discourse. Based on this background, this paper takes "Green discourse" selected on Greenpeace website as the research object, and applies Faircroft's three-dimensional analysis model to study the ideology behind it, and discusses whether it is beneficial to the environment. Namely, to carry on the criticism analysis to the "green discourse" ecology. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part introduces the starting point of the research, the research issues, the significance of the study and the general structure of this paper. The second part reviews the relationship between language and ecology. The third part mainly introduces the theoretical framework of Faircroft's three-dimensional analysis model, the fourth part makes a detailed analysis of "Green discourse" and reveals the ideology behind it. The fifth part summarizes the whole paper and points out the significance and deficiency of this paper. The three dimensional analysis model consists of three steps: description, interpretation and interpretation. It is a systematic and perfect discourse analysis model. In the description stage, the "green discourse" is described from the three levels of words, sentences and discourse; at the stage of interpretation, several hypotheses are put forward to interpret the text; at the stage of interpretation, the "green discourse" is described. It comes to the conclusion that Green discourse has the ideological orientation of anthropocentrism. According to the principle of deep ecology, anthropocentrism is harmful to the environment. Studies have shown that "green discourse", while advocating the protection of the environment, is underpinned by anthropocentrism, that is, people are standing in their own perspective to measure the value of things around them, which is fundamentally not conducive to the improvement of environmental problems. Nor can it really raise human awareness of environmental protection. Therefore, readers should improve their critical thinking and sensitivity to the implied ideology of language while reading the text. At the same time, the study also makes further efforts to solve environmental problems from the perspective of language.
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