本文选题:李渔戏曲 + 阴声韵 ; 参考:《西安外国语大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The study of phonology is an important part in the study of Chinese phonetic history. This paper studies the rhyme of all the opera works handed down by Li Yu, a dramatist in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. The article mainly refers to "Kangxi Ququ" as a reference, when necessary auxiliary to other music and methods to determine the rhyme character, and refers to "Central Plains Phonology" to sort out and summarize the rhyme system of Li Yu's opera. This paper makes a comprehensive investigation and study on the specific situation of Li Yu's opera using rhyme in order to make up for the vacancy of his opera rhyme research. Because the overall appearance of Li Yu's opera works with rhyme is still blank, therefore, the topic of this paper is based on his opera works, to investigate his opera rhyme situation. This paper studies Li Yu's opera works from the perspective of phonology, and makes use of these rhyme materials to investigate the phonological features of this period, thus providing materials for the study of modern Chinese phonetic history and dialect history. At the same time, Li Yu also put forward a set of complete opera theory, so we can compare Li Yu's specific opera works with rhyme and drama theory. By investigating the actual situation of its rhyme, the author hopes to make up for the vacancy of the previous research on its rhyme. The study of qu Yun needs a combination of many methods. "Historical Comparative method" and "Historical Literature textual Research method" are the traditional methods used in phonology. Lu Guo-yao combined these two methods to form the "New double evidence method". The textual research results of the literature and the contemporary local sound confirm each other, revealing the historical phonetic features. This paper compares the rhyme of Li Yu opera with that of Central Plains in order to get the concrete practice of Li Quyun. Then through the comparison of ancient and modern languages and dialects, the special rhyme nature is judged. In the process of writing, we also use rhyme system, induction and arithmetic statistics. In this paper, we conclude that Li qu Yin rhyme 7 parts, Yang rhyme 4 parts and independent rhyme 4. Comparing Li Yu opera with rhyme and Central Plains rhyme, it is found that there is a great difference between them. There are only 7 rhymes in Li qu, Qi Wei and Zhi Si, fish model rhyme, and yang rhyme are only 4. One of the Gengqing true text invasion to find rhyme, recorded as Geng invasion part. Hanshan congenital Huanhuan Jian Xianlianxianxianhe rhyme, recorded as the cold fiber; Li Yu opera has 4 independent into the rhyme; at the same time, there is a phenomenon between individual vowels mutual leaves. Secondly, there are differences between them in the collection of rhyme characters. The author explains the special rhyme phenomenon in Li qu from the aspects of the local rhyme, the ancient rhyme and the near rhyme, but because of the limited professional ability, there are still some doubts about the special rhyme phenomenon. The innovation of this paper lies in the last part of the article, which combines the theoretical works of Li Yu with the practical results of Li qu, from the angle of the combination of linguistics and literature, by combining Li Yu's theoretical works "casual feeling" and "Li Weng's rhyme of ci" with the practical results of Li qu, which is studied in this paper. This paper makes a comparison between the music composition and the rhyme, and has a more comprehensive understanding of Li Yu's opera creation in the aspect of using rhyme. Because of the reason of Li Yu's times, social atmosphere and creative purpose, it is found that his opera creation theory and concrete practice are contradictory. To some extent, it also reflects the dialectical relationship between theory and practice.
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