本文选题:镇宁布依语 + 疑问句 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:This paper mainly takes Changjiazhai Buyi language interrogative sentence in Dashan Town, Zhenning County, western Guizhou Province as the research object, and draws lessons from the research results and theoretical methods of Chinese and its dialect and Zhuang and Dong people's interrogative sentences, and analyzes the syntactic structure of Zhenning Buyi interrogative sentence. The semantic content and pragmatic functions are analyzed in order to provide data for the comprehensive and systematic study of Buyi interrogative sentences and to provide a reference for the comparative study of Zhuang and Dong and other interrogative sentences. The specific steps of this study are as follows: first, the static description of the corpus, combing the syntactic structural markers of Zhenning Buyi interrogative sentences, and classifying Zhenning Buyi interrogative sentences into right and wrong questions, positive and negative questions from the perspective of structure. Choose four types of questions and specific questions. Secondly, on the basis of syntactic structure, the semantic analysis of four kinds of interrogative sentence patterns is carried out, and the pragmatic functions of the four interrogative sentence patterns are discussed in relation to pragmatic factors. Finally, using speech act theory to analyze the interrogative function and non-interrogative function of Zhenning Buyi interrogative sentence, and to explain theoretically the multi-function of Zhenning Buyi interrogative sentence. It is found that the interrogative sentence patterns in Zhenning Buyi have their own characteristics in the following aspects: question mark, question information, question presupposition, question degree, question focus and question and answer system. It is of great significance to correctly understand the conversational implicature of the interrogative sentences in Zhenning Buyi language by analyzing the types of speech acts and their multifunctional causes.
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