[Abstract]:Community correction is a kind of non-imprisonment penalty opposite to prison correction. The criminals who meet the conditions of community correction are placed in their community, under the supervision of the relevant judicial organs, they serve their sentences in the community and learn how to reform. In community correction, social workers, as important members, play a very important role. Through discourse communication, they can effectively promote the object to change their thoughts and attitudes, realize behavior correction, and return to society. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Guangzhou Judicial Bureau jointly set up the "Community Correction discourse Research and language Service platform", which provides great convenience for the author to carry out corpus collection. As a social worker assistant, the author deeply participated in the social work of community correction in Guangzhou, and collected the language data for the study with the consent of the social worker and the corrected object. The present study uses Martin's evaluation system and its systemic functional linguistic context as the theoretical framework and constructs the analytical framework of the appropriate community correction discourse according to the specific situation of the community correction discourse. This paper describes the use and distribution of social workers' attitude evaluation resources in community correction education talks at the semantic level, and analyzes how social workers use evaluation resources to construct three different identities at the register level. Finally, senior social workers were invited to evaluate the relevance of the social workers' identity in the community correction category. It is found that social workers play different roles and construct different identities in conversation with subjects, including empathy identity, educator identity and encouragement identity. The construction of the three identities of social workers is helpful to the development of community correction, but the construction of empathy identity has the suspicion of abuse, abuse of empathy is not conducive to the realization of the ultimate goal of community correction. The significance of this study at the theoretical level is to demonstrate the applicability of the evaluation system in community correction discourse analysis, and the practical level is to provide appropriate discourse suggestions for social workers to carry out community correction work. It is helpful to carry out the work of community correction better.
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