[Abstract]:From the perspective of language processing, this paper discusses the online processing mechanism of Chinese reflexive pronouns through two online reading comprehension experiments and two offline questionnaires, taking Chinese native speakers and high-level Chinese learners whose mother tongue is Korean as the research object, taking the anaphora relationship between Chinese reflexive pronouns and antecedents as the target structure, and controlling the syntactic position and sexual semantic information of antecedents. It is found that the mother tongue language processor is first to extract close antecedents and is sensitive to sexual semantic information. The latter can adjust the time window of syntactic information and support the hypothesis of content accessibility memory mechanism of syntactic priority processing. Different from the mother tongue, the second language processor can not effectively extract syntactic information, nor can it extract semantic information. It shows a temporary tendency to the significant antecedents of the text, and supports the shallow processing hypothesis as a whole.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学外国语学院;
【基金】:上海交通大学文科科研创新计划(项目号13QN08) 上海交通大学2016年教改项目“混合式教学法在《英语语言学概论》中的研究与应用”的资助
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