[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy, the exchanges between countries are getting closer and closer, the distance between countries has been shortened, and the process of building a global village is accelerating. The pressure and influence we face are becoming more and more intense. Among them, the influence of language is the strongest, and the number of foreign words is also increasing. This influence is mainly reflected in the following two aspects: the first is the influence on the current Chinese vocabulary, which stimulates the expressive force of the original words and enriches the emotional expression color of the words; the second is the influence on the composition and meaning of the present vocabulary, which greatly affects the basic composition of the Chinese language, increases the vocabulary size of the Chinese language, and produces the new elements of the Chinese language. This paper takes the foreign words in Chinese as the main research object, and makes a comprehensive analysis and investigation on the grammatical meaning, conceptual meaning, connotation exposition and emotional expression of the foreign words in Chinese, and concludes that such a comprehensive influence has important significance for the development of modern Chinese. The entry of foreign words not only expands the vocabulary of Chinese, but also greatly enriches the meaning of Chinese vocabulary. It is predicted that the history of language development is in accordance with the law of language formation, and it is also a normal phenomenon of language development.
【作者单位】: 长春师范大学;
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