发布时间:2020-12-29 01:22
【文章来源】:贵州大学贵州省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:107 页
List of Abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Terminology
1.6 Organization of the Study
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 Discourse and Climate Change
2.1.1 Definition of Discourse
2.1.2 Definition of Climate Change
2.2 Ecolinguistics
2.3 Ecological Discourse Analysis
2.3.1 Description of EDA
2.3.2 Studies of EDAAbroad
2.3.3 Studies of EDA at Home
2.4 EDA Researches on News Discourse
2.4.1 Studies Abroad
2.4.2 Studies at Home
2.5 EDA Researches on Climate Change News Discourse
2.5.1 Studies Abroad
2.5.2 Studies at Home
2.6 Summary
Chapter3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Halliday’s Systemic-functional Grammar
3.1.1 Ideational Meta-function
3.1.2 Interpersonal Meta-function
3.1.3 Textual Meta-function
3.2 Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Model
3.2.1 Description
3.2.2 Interpretation
3.2.3 Explanation
3.3 Basis of the EDA
3.3.1 Philosophical Basis
3.3.2 Ecosophy Basis
3.4 Analytical Model of the Present Thesis
3.5 Summary
Chapter4 Research Methodology
4.1 Data Description
4.2 Data Collection
4.3 Data Analysis
4.3.1 Procedures to Answer Question1
4.3.2 Procedures to Answer Question2
4.3.3 Procedures to Answer Question3
4.4 Summary
Chapter5 Results and Discussion
5.1 Contrastive Analysis of the Collected Data in the Description Stage
5.1.1 Lexical Choices
5.1.2 Transitivity Analysis
5.2 Contrastive Analysis of the Collected Data in the Interpretation Stage
5.2.1 News Sources
5.2.2 Reporting Modes
5.3 Contrastive Analysis of the Collected Data in the Explanation Stage
5.3.1 Institutional Context
5.3.2 Situational Context
5.3.3 Social Context
5.4 Summary
Chapter6 Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings of the Study
6.2 Limitations of the Study
6.3 Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix1 Corpus of CXC
Appendix2 Corpus of NYC
Appendix3 Concordance to CXC Keyword“China”
Appendix4 Concordance to NYC Keyword“Global”
[1]中国生态语言学研究综述[J]. 韩军. 语言教学与研究. 2013(04)
[2]系统功能语言学与生态话语分析[J]. 辛志英,黄国文. 外语教学. 2013(03)
[3]生态语言学研究范式下的环境语篇批评与分析[J]. 程建山. 海外英语. 2012(06)
[4]语言、环境、社会——生态酒店英文简介之生态批评性话语分析[J]. 戴桂玉,仇娟. 外语与外语教学. 2012(01)
[5]人民日报30年环境新闻报道分析[J]. 徐艳旭. 青年记者. 2009(18)
[6]人类中心主义的实质分析及其评价[J]. 王苏. 社会科学家. 2008(05)
[7]批评语篇分析的社会和认知取向[J]. 辛斌. 外语研究. 2007(06)
[8]生态语言学研究述评[J]. 范俊军. 外语教学与研究. 2005(02)
[9]简述Fairclough的语篇分析观[J]. 项蕴华. 山东外语教学. 2004(05)
[10]功能语篇分析纵横谈[J]. 黄国文. 外语与外语教学. 2001(12)
[1]三维话语模式下中美主流报纸中“一带一路”新闻报道的批评对比分析[D]. 孙艳秋.辽宁师范大学 2018
[2]基于Fairclough三维模型的“绿色话语”生态性研究[D]. 石丽娜.四川外国语大学 2017
[3]英语环境新闻报道中“利益指向性”的生态批评性话语分析[D]. 李海霞.四川外国语大学 2017
[4]Fairclough三维模式框架下APEC峰会新闻的批评话语分析[D]. 张怡歌.江苏大学 2016
[5]基于语料库的中美气候变化新闻报道的批评语篇分析[D]. 王俊婷.北京外国语大学 2015
[6]英语新闻报道的生态批评性话语分析[D]. 徐歉.吉林大学 2014
[7]从批评话语分析的角度看美国关于气候变化的新闻报道[D]. 李颖.厦门大学 2008
[8]基于EDA之上的生态批评研究[D]. 裴丽霞.苏州大学 2008
【文章来源】:贵州大学贵州省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:107 页
List of Abbreviations
Chapter1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Terminology
1.6 Organization of the Study
Chapter2 Literature Review
2.1 Discourse and Climate Change
2.1.1 Definition of Discourse
2.1.2 Definition of Climate Change
2.2 Ecolinguistics
2.3 Ecological Discourse Analysis
2.3.1 Description of EDA
2.3.2 Studies of EDAAbroad
2.3.3 Studies of EDA at Home
2.4 EDA Researches on News Discourse
2.4.1 Studies Abroad
2.4.2 Studies at Home
2.5 EDA Researches on Climate Change News Discourse
2.5.1 Studies Abroad
2.5.2 Studies at Home
2.6 Summary
Chapter3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Halliday’s Systemic-functional Grammar
3.1.1 Ideational Meta-function
3.1.2 Interpersonal Meta-function
3.1.3 Textual Meta-function
3.2 Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Model
3.2.1 Description
3.2.2 Interpretation
3.2.3 Explanation
3.3 Basis of the EDA
3.3.1 Philosophical Basis
3.3.2 Ecosophy Basis
3.4 Analytical Model of the Present Thesis
3.5 Summary
Chapter4 Research Methodology
4.1 Data Description
4.2 Data Collection
4.3 Data Analysis
4.3.1 Procedures to Answer Question1
4.3.2 Procedures to Answer Question2
4.3.3 Procedures to Answer Question3
4.4 Summary
Chapter5 Results and Discussion
5.1 Contrastive Analysis of the Collected Data in the Description Stage
5.1.1 Lexical Choices
5.1.2 Transitivity Analysis
5.2 Contrastive Analysis of the Collected Data in the Interpretation Stage
5.2.1 News Sources
5.2.2 Reporting Modes
5.3 Contrastive Analysis of the Collected Data in the Explanation Stage
5.3.1 Institutional Context
5.3.2 Situational Context
5.3.3 Social Context
5.4 Summary
Chapter6 Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings of the Study
6.2 Limitations of the Study
6.3 Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix1 Corpus of CXC
Appendix2 Corpus of NYC
Appendix3 Concordance to CXC Keyword“China”
Appendix4 Concordance to NYC Keyword“Global”
[1]中国生态语言学研究综述[J]. 韩军. 语言教学与研究. 2013(04)
[2]系统功能语言学与生态话语分析[J]. 辛志英,黄国文. 外语教学. 2013(03)
[3]生态语言学研究范式下的环境语篇批评与分析[J]. 程建山. 海外英语. 2012(06)
[4]语言、环境、社会——生态酒店英文简介之生态批评性话语分析[J]. 戴桂玉,仇娟. 外语与外语教学. 2012(01)
[5]人民日报30年环境新闻报道分析[J]. 徐艳旭. 青年记者. 2009(18)
[6]人类中心主义的实质分析及其评价[J]. 王苏. 社会科学家. 2008(05)
[7]批评语篇分析的社会和认知取向[J]. 辛斌. 外语研究. 2007(06)
[8]生态语言学研究述评[J]. 范俊军. 外语教学与研究. 2005(02)
[9]简述Fairclough的语篇分析观[J]. 项蕴华. 山东外语教学. 2004(05)
[10]功能语篇分析纵横谈[J]. 黄国文. 外语与外语教学. 2001(12)
[1]三维话语模式下中美主流报纸中“一带一路”新闻报道的批评对比分析[D]. 孙艳秋.辽宁师范大学 2018
[2]基于Fairclough三维模型的“绿色话语”生态性研究[D]. 石丽娜.四川外国语大学 2017
[3]英语环境新闻报道中“利益指向性”的生态批评性话语分析[D]. 李海霞.四川外国语大学 2017
[4]Fairclough三维模式框架下APEC峰会新闻的批评话语分析[D]. 张怡歌.江苏大学 2016
[5]基于语料库的中美气候变化新闻报道的批评语篇分析[D]. 王俊婷.北京外国语大学 2015
[6]英语新闻报道的生态批评性话语分析[D]. 徐歉.吉林大学 2014
[7]从批评话语分析的角度看美国关于气候变化的新闻报道[D]. 李颖.厦门大学 2008
[8]基于EDA之上的生态批评研究[D]. 裴丽霞.苏州大学 2008