发布时间:2021-01-21 07:51
虽然近年来国内外学者不断尝试用电生理方法研究隐喻加工的脑机制,但几乎没有人对文学隐喻与非文学隐喻加工脑机制是否存在区别这一命题进行过研究。本研究使用事件相关电位ERP方法,语料选用“X是Y”的句子结构,采用句对这一认知语言学实验范式,全面深入地探索以汉语为母语的中国人对汉语文学隐喻的加工脑机制,探究汉语隐喻加工是否存在独特的脑机制以及对汉语文学隐喻和非文学隐喻的加工脑机制是否存在不同之处。ERP这一电生理方法近几年被广泛运用于大脑认知功能研究上,其具有时间分辨率高的优点,利用脑电记录仪我们能够捕捉大脑毫秒级的脑电波变化。通过对比分析语义加工,语境整合加工相关的N400, LPC成分进行分析,我们可以了解汉语文学隐喻及非文学隐喻加工的大脑激活部位。本研究通过两个时间窗口来分析N400和LPC成分:(1)早期N400(350-400毫秒);(2)晚期N400(400-450毫秒);(3)早期LPC(750-800毫秒);(4)晚期LPC(800-850毫秒)。本研究的行为实验数据显示相比判断非文学隐喻和本义句是否具有隐喻含义,被试在判断文学隐喻的隐喻含义方面错误率较高,耗时较长。从某种程度...
【文章来源】:大连理工大学辽宁省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:74 页
1 Literature Review
1.1 Models of metaphor comprehension
1.1.1 Cognitive models of metaphor comprehension
1.1.2 Processing sequence of metaphor comprehension
1.2 Electrophysiological measures of lateralized processing of metaphors
1.2.1 Right-hemisphere hypothesis
1.2.2 Left hemisphere hypothesis
1.2.3 Whole hemisphere theory
1.2.4 Possible reasons for contradictory findings
1.3 Metaphor and ERPs
1.3.1 N400
1.3.2 LPC
1.4 ERP research on Chinese metaphor
1.4.1 Particularity of Chinese metaphor studies
1.4.2 Neurophysiological studies on Chinese metaphor
1.5 Different approaches to literary metaphors and non-literary metaphors
1.5.1 The discontinuity between literary metaphors and non-literary metaphors
1.5.2 The Continuity between literary metaphors and non-literary metaphors
1.5.3 Empirical comparison of literary metaphor and non-literary metaphor
2 Experiment
2.1 Subjects
2.2 Stimuli
2.3 Procedure
2.4 ERP recording and data analysis
2.4.1 ERP recording
2.4.2 Statistical analysis
3 Results
3.1 Behavior results
3.1.1 Comparison between literary metaphors and non-literary metaphors
3.1.2 Comparison between metaphors and literal sentences
3.2 Event related potentials
3.2.1 350-400ms:the early N400
3.2.2 400-450ms:the late N400
3.2.3 Early LPC:750-800ms
3.2.4 Late LPC:800-850ms
4 Discossion
4.1 Behavior data
4.2 N400
4.3 LPC
4.4 Asymmetrical brain localization of metaphor processing
5 Conclusion and Prospect
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Prospect
附录A 实验语料
【文章来源】:大连理工大学辽宁省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:74 页
1 Literature Review
1.1 Models of metaphor comprehension
1.1.1 Cognitive models of metaphor comprehension
1.1.2 Processing sequence of metaphor comprehension
1.2 Electrophysiological measures of lateralized processing of metaphors
1.2.1 Right-hemisphere hypothesis
1.2.2 Left hemisphere hypothesis
1.2.3 Whole hemisphere theory
1.2.4 Possible reasons for contradictory findings
1.3 Metaphor and ERPs
1.3.1 N400
1.3.2 LPC
1.4 ERP research on Chinese metaphor
1.4.1 Particularity of Chinese metaphor studies
1.4.2 Neurophysiological studies on Chinese metaphor
1.5 Different approaches to literary metaphors and non-literary metaphors
1.5.1 The discontinuity between literary metaphors and non-literary metaphors
1.5.2 The Continuity between literary metaphors and non-literary metaphors
1.5.3 Empirical comparison of literary metaphor and non-literary metaphor
2 Experiment
2.1 Subjects
2.2 Stimuli
2.3 Procedure
2.4 ERP recording and data analysis
2.4.1 ERP recording
2.4.2 Statistical analysis
3 Results
3.1 Behavior results
3.1.1 Comparison between literary metaphors and non-literary metaphors
3.1.2 Comparison between metaphors and literal sentences
3.2 Event related potentials
3.2.1 350-400ms:the early N400
3.2.2 400-450ms:the late N400
3.2.3 Early LPC:750-800ms
3.2.4 Late LPC:800-850ms
4 Discossion
4.1 Behavior data
4.2 N400
4.3 LPC
4.4 Asymmetrical brain localization of metaphor processing
5 Conclusion and Prospect
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Prospect
附录A 实验语料