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发布时间:2021-07-08 15:58


【文章页数】:56 页


Chapter I Introduction
    1.1 The Four Authoritative Interpretation Tests
    1.2 The Evaluation in Interpretation Teaching of Undergraduates
        1.2.1 The Development of Interpretation Training
   A Brief History of Interpretation Training
   The Status Quo of Interpretation Training
        1.2.2 The Lagging Development of Interpreting Teaching Evaluation
Chapter II The Study History of Interpreting Quality Evaluation
    2.1 The Definition of Quality Evaluation in Interpretation
    2.2 The Study in the West
    2.3 The Study in China
    2.4 The Significance of This Study
        2.4.1 Some Related Terms
        2.4.2 About the Four Influential Interpreting Tests
        2.4.3 About the Prevailing Quality Evaluation Criteria
        2.4.4 Tentative Suggestion of the Application of Assessment for Learning
   Deifnition and Purpose of Evaluation and Assessment
   Classification of Assessment
   Assessment and Learning
Chapter III Assessment for Learning
    3.1 The Features and Principles of Assessment for Learning
        3.1.1 Key Features
        3.1.2. Assessment for Learning and Formative Assessment
        3.1.3 Ten Pirnciples of Assessment for Learning
    3.2 The Application of Assessment for Learning
Chapter IV The Feasibility of the Application of Assessment for Learning in Undergraduate Interpreting Course
    4.1 The Nature of Interpreting Teaching
        4.1.1 Interpreting Teaching for Language Undergraduates VS Language Teaching
        4.1.2 Interpreting Teaching for Language Undergraduates VS Professional Interpreting Training
        4.1.3. Nature of Interpreting Teachings for Language Undergraduates
    4.2 Objective of Undergraduate Interpreting Teaching
    4.3 The Influential Interpretation Theory in China's Interpreting Teaching
    4.4 The Teaching Components
    4.5 The Purpose of Interpreting Teaching Evaluation
    4.6. Classification and Implementation of Interpreting Teaching Evaluation
        4.6.1 Classiifcation of Interpreting Teaching Evaluation
        4.6.2 Implementation of Interpreting Teaching Evaluation
    4.7 Assessment for Learning to Serve the Affective Domain of Teaching Objectives
    4.8 The Suggested Methodology
    4.9 Limitations
Chapter V Conclusion




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