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发布时间:2021-08-25 11:13


【文章页数】:64 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Research Settings
    1.2 Theoretical Source
    1.3 Significance and Purpose
    1.4 Research Process
Chapter 2 Introduction To Law and Contract
    2.1 Two Law System
        2.1.1 Continental Legal System
        2.1.2 Anglo-American Legal System
        2.1.3 Differences between Them
    2.2 Introduction to CLPRC
        2.2.1 Backgrounds
        2.2.2 Enactment
        2.2.3 Legislative Interpretation and Judicial Interpretation
    2.3 Contract
        2.3.1 Definition of Contract
        2.3.2 Necessity of Contract
        2.3.3 Classifications of Contract
        2.3.4 Contents of Contract
        2.3.5 Text Form of Contract
        2.3.6 Lexical Analysis of Contract
        2.3.7 Features of Contract
        2.3.8 Function of Contract
        2.3.9 Syntactic Features of Contracts
Chapter 3 Translation Theories
    3.1 Definition of Translation
    3.2 Translation both in China and Western Countries
        3.2.1 Translation in China
        3.2.2 Translation in Western Countries
        3.2.3 Comparison between Them
    3.3 Nida's Translation Theory
        3.3.1 A Brief Introduction to Nida
        3.3.2 Three Phases of Nida's Research
        3.3.3 Nida's Main contributions
        3.3.4 Nida's Translation Theory in China and Western Countries
        3.3.5 Criticism on Nida's Translation Theory
    3.4 Misunderstanding of Nida's Translation Theory
    3.5 Deficiency of Equivalence
    3.6 The Author's Opinion on "Equivalence"
    3.7 Realtionship between CLPRC and Nida's Transaltion Theory
Chapter 4 Analysis on The Transaltion of CLPRC
    4.1 Classification of Stylistic Feature
    4.2. Linguistic Features of Language and Informal Language
        4.2.1 Phonetics and Graphetics
        4.2.2 Vocabulary
        4.2.3 Syntax
    4.3 The Translating Characteristics of CLPRC
        4.3.1 Graphetic Features
        4.3.2 Glossary Features
        4.3.3 Archaic Words
        4.3.4 Formality of Language
        4.3.5 Specialized Glossary
        4.3.6 Synonym
        4.3.7 Syntactic Features
    4.4 Translation Imperfection and Pitfalls in English Version of CLPRC
        4.4.1 Words and Phrases
        4.4.2 Discourse
Chapter 5 Conclusion
    5.1 Summary
    5.2 Limitations
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Publications during the Postgraduate Program

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