发布时间:2021-10-09 18:03
【文章页数】:89 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Object of the Research
1.3 The Rationale of the Research
1.4 Problems Existing in the Past Studies
1.5 The Objectives of the Research
1.6 Methodology and Data Collections
1.7 Outline of the Thesis
Chapter Two A Review of the Relevant Literature
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Approaches to the Study of an Apology
2.2.1 The Pragmatics Approach
2.2.2 The Sociological Approach
2.2.3 The Conversation Analysis Approach
2.2.4 The Psychological Approach
2.2.5 The Cross-Cultural Approach
2.3 Achievements and Limitations Existing in the Previous Studies
2.4 The Perspective of the Present Study
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three A Description of the Conceptual Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Delimitation of Mundane Apology and Public Apology
3.3 Working Definitions of Genuine Apology and Ostensible Apology
3.4 A Social Psychological Approach to the Study of Public Apology
3.4.1 Impression Management(IM)
3.4.2 The two-component model of Impression Management
3.5 The Framework of the Present Study
3.5.1 Public apologies as a result of impression motivation
3.5.2 Public apology strategies as a realization of impression construction
3.6 Reasons to choose Impression Management Theory as the Theoretical Framework
3.7 Summary
Chapter Four The Analysis of Apologetic Discourse from Public Figures Basedon IM
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Impression Motivation of Apologizing
4.2.1 Maintaining self-esteem and/or saving Face
4.2.2 Avoiding responsibilities
4.2.3 Setting public-desired models
4.3 Impression Construction of Apologizing
4.3.1 Impression construction of assertive tactics for genuine apologies
4.3.2 Impression construction of defensive tactics for ostensible apologies
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five The Pragmatic Functions of Public Apologies
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Communicative functions
5.2.1 Maintaining a positive or remedying a negative impression
5.2.2 Shortening social distance and establishing intimate relationship
5.3 Instrumental functions
5.3.1 Realizing some specific discourse purpose
5.3.2 Retrieving (in-) tangible loss caused by wrongdoing
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six The Pragmatic Effects of Public Apologies
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Positive effects
6.2.1 Minimizing the face-threatening effects
6.2.2 Evading the embarrassing social situation
6.2.3 Improving and remedying the harmonious interpersonal relationship
6.3 Negative effects
6.3.1 Being suspected of the apologetic sincerity
6.3.2 Amplifying the negative public image
6.4 Zero effects
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Major Findings
7.3 Implications
7.4 Limitations
7.5 Suggestions for Further Study
附录: 在校期间发表的论文
[1]道歉行为的话语模式与语用特点分析[J]. 李军. 语言教学与研究. 2007(01)
[2]现代汉语道歉言语行为策略研究[J]. 王燕,徐慧. 现代语文. 2006(11)
[3]汉英致歉策略在社会距离中的分布[J]. 肖涌. 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2005(05)
[4]对“道歉语”的语用定量研究[J]. 刘思,刘润清. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2005(05)
[1]致歉言语行为研究[D]. 周林艳.吉林大学 2008
[2]关于现代汉语道歉言语行为的初步研究[D]. 康红霞.天津师范大学 2008
[3]汉语致歉言语行为研究[D]. 胡明伟.吉林大学 2006
【文章页数】:89 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Object of the Research
1.3 The Rationale of the Research
1.4 Problems Existing in the Past Studies
1.5 The Objectives of the Research
1.6 Methodology and Data Collections
1.7 Outline of the Thesis
Chapter Two A Review of the Relevant Literature
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Approaches to the Study of an Apology
2.2.1 The Pragmatics Approach
2.2.2 The Sociological Approach
2.2.3 The Conversation Analysis Approach
2.2.4 The Psychological Approach
2.2.5 The Cross-Cultural Approach
2.3 Achievements and Limitations Existing in the Previous Studies
2.4 The Perspective of the Present Study
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three A Description of the Conceptual Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Delimitation of Mundane Apology and Public Apology
3.3 Working Definitions of Genuine Apology and Ostensible Apology
3.4 A Social Psychological Approach to the Study of Public Apology
3.4.1 Impression Management(IM)
3.4.2 The two-component model of Impression Management
3.5 The Framework of the Present Study
3.5.1 Public apologies as a result of impression motivation
3.5.2 Public apology strategies as a realization of impression construction
3.6 Reasons to choose Impression Management Theory as the Theoretical Framework
3.7 Summary
Chapter Four The Analysis of Apologetic Discourse from Public Figures Basedon IM
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Impression Motivation of Apologizing
4.2.1 Maintaining self-esteem and/or saving Face
4.2.2 Avoiding responsibilities
4.2.3 Setting public-desired models
4.3 Impression Construction of Apologizing
4.3.1 Impression construction of assertive tactics for genuine apologies
4.3.2 Impression construction of defensive tactics for ostensible apologies
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five The Pragmatic Functions of Public Apologies
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Communicative functions
5.2.1 Maintaining a positive or remedying a negative impression
5.2.2 Shortening social distance and establishing intimate relationship
5.3 Instrumental functions
5.3.1 Realizing some specific discourse purpose
5.3.2 Retrieving (in-) tangible loss caused by wrongdoing
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six The Pragmatic Effects of Public Apologies
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Positive effects
6.2.1 Minimizing the face-threatening effects
6.2.2 Evading the embarrassing social situation
6.2.3 Improving and remedying the harmonious interpersonal relationship
6.3 Negative effects
6.3.1 Being suspected of the apologetic sincerity
6.3.2 Amplifying the negative public image
6.4 Zero effects
6.5 Summary
Chapter Seven Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Major Findings
7.3 Implications
7.4 Limitations
7.5 Suggestions for Further Study
附录: 在校期间发表的论文
[1]道歉行为的话语模式与语用特点分析[J]. 李军. 语言教学与研究. 2007(01)
[2]现代汉语道歉言语行为策略研究[J]. 王燕,徐慧. 现代语文. 2006(11)
[3]汉英致歉策略在社会距离中的分布[J]. 肖涌. 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2005(05)
[4]对“道歉语”的语用定量研究[J]. 刘思,刘润清. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2005(05)
[1]致歉言语行为研究[D]. 周林艳.吉林大学 2008
[2]关于现代汉语道歉言语行为的初步研究[D]. 康红霞.天津师范大学 2008
[3]汉语致歉言语行为研究[D]. 胡明伟.吉林大学 2006