发布时间:2021-10-29 19:53
【文章页数】:94 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Brief Introduction to the Language in Advertising Discourse
1.1.1 Different Approaches to Research of Advertising Discourse
1.2 Research Methodology and Organization of the Thesis
1.3 Significance of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Studies on Traditional Context and Its Defects
2.1.1 Different Views about Traditional Context
2.1.2 Defects of Traditional Context
2.2 Dynamic Views on Context
Chapter Three Context and Meaning in Discourse
3.1 Impact of Context on Meaning
3.1.1 Context Filtering the Meaning of Utterance
3.1.2 Context Making the Meaning Concrete
3.1.3.C ontext Enriching the Meaning of Utterance
3.2 Relationship between Context and Discourse
3.2.1 Connotation of context and Discourse
3.2.2 Views on the Relationship between Context and Discourse
3.3 Effect of Contexts on the Discourse
3.3.1 Situational Context and Cultural Context in Advertising Discourse
3.3.2 Linguistic Context in Advertising Discourse
Chapter Four Dynamics of Context in Advertising Discourse
4.1 Verschueren’s Theory of Adaptation and View of Dynamic Context
4.1.1 Theory of Adaptation Choice Making in Using Language Three Properties of Using Language Four Angles of Study on Adaptability
4.1.2 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability and Its Dynamic Nature Ingredients of the Communicative Context Dynamic Generation of Context
4.2 Dynamics of Adaptability of Communicative Context on Advertising Discourse
4.2.1 Adaptability of Audience’s Mental World
4.2.2 Adapt ability of Audience’s Social World
4.2.3 Adaptability of Audience’s Physical World
4.3 Analysis of Cognitive Context on the Interpretation of Advertising Discourse
4.3.1 Cognitive Context in Relevance Theory Cognitive Environment and Mutual Manifestness in Advertising Discourse Principles of Optimal Relevance and Cognitive Context in Advertising Discourse
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Findings
5.2 Limitations
[1]广告语言的心理诉求[J]. 王岩,吴丽萍. 河北理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(01)
[2]顺应论在中国的研究综述[J]. 李元胜. 成都大学学报(教育科学版). 2007(03)
[3]论广告语言的语境适应性[J]. 阎琦. 河北广播电视大学学报. 2007(01)
[4]认知假设·动态语境·幽默效果[J]. 张秀会. 锦州医学院学报(社会科学版). 2006(04)
[5]语用预设在广告语篇中的独特功能[J]. 赵耀,唐德根. 零陵学院学报. 2005(01)
[6]语境的动态生成[J]. 张琴芳,谢爱娟. 江苏工业学院学报(社会科学版). 2004(03)
[7]言语交际的顺应—关联性分析[J]. 冉永平. 外语学刊. 2004(02)
[8]广告语与前提论[J]. 张礼,衡桂珍. 安徽教育学院学报. 2003(01)
[9]认知语境因素结构化[J]. 刘森林. 四川外语学院学报. 2000(04)
[10]选择—顺应——评Verschueren《理解语用学》的理论基础[J]. 刘正光,吴志高. 外语学刊. 2000(04)
【文章页数】:94 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Brief Introduction to the Language in Advertising Discourse
1.1.1 Different Approaches to Research of Advertising Discourse
1.2 Research Methodology and Organization of the Thesis
1.3 Significance of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Studies on Traditional Context and Its Defects
2.1.1 Different Views about Traditional Context
2.1.2 Defects of Traditional Context
2.2 Dynamic Views on Context
Chapter Three Context and Meaning in Discourse
3.1 Impact of Context on Meaning
3.1.1 Context Filtering the Meaning of Utterance
3.1.2 Context Making the Meaning Concrete
3.1.3.C ontext Enriching the Meaning of Utterance
3.2 Relationship between Context and Discourse
3.2.1 Connotation of context and Discourse
3.2.2 Views on the Relationship between Context and Discourse
3.3 Effect of Contexts on the Discourse
3.3.1 Situational Context and Cultural Context in Advertising Discourse
3.3.2 Linguistic Context in Advertising Discourse
Chapter Four Dynamics of Context in Advertising Discourse
4.1 Verschueren’s Theory of Adaptation and View of Dynamic Context
4.1.1 Theory of Adaptation Choice Making in Using Language Three Properties of Using Language Four Angles of Study on Adaptability
4.1.2 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability and Its Dynamic Nature Ingredients of the Communicative Context Dynamic Generation of Context
4.2 Dynamics of Adaptability of Communicative Context on Advertising Discourse
4.2.1 Adaptability of Audience’s Mental World
4.2.2 Adapt ability of Audience’s Social World
4.2.3 Adaptability of Audience’s Physical World
4.3 Analysis of Cognitive Context on the Interpretation of Advertising Discourse
4.3.1 Cognitive Context in Relevance Theory Cognitive Environment and Mutual Manifestness in Advertising Discourse Principles of Optimal Relevance and Cognitive Context in Advertising Discourse
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Findings
5.2 Limitations
[1]广告语言的心理诉求[J]. 王岩,吴丽萍. 河北理工大学学报(社会科学版). 2008(01)
[2]顺应论在中国的研究综述[J]. 李元胜. 成都大学学报(教育科学版). 2007(03)
[3]论广告语言的语境适应性[J]. 阎琦. 河北广播电视大学学报. 2007(01)
[4]认知假设·动态语境·幽默效果[J]. 张秀会. 锦州医学院学报(社会科学版). 2006(04)
[5]语用预设在广告语篇中的独特功能[J]. 赵耀,唐德根. 零陵学院学报. 2005(01)
[6]语境的动态生成[J]. 张琴芳,谢爱娟. 江苏工业学院学报(社会科学版). 2004(03)
[7]言语交际的顺应—关联性分析[J]. 冉永平. 外语学刊. 2004(02)
[8]广告语与前提论[J]. 张礼,衡桂珍. 安徽教育学院学报. 2003(01)
[9]认知语境因素结构化[J]. 刘森林. 四川外语学院学报. 2000(04)
[10]选择—顺应——评Verschueren《理解语用学》的理论基础[J]. 刘正光,吴志高. 外语学刊. 2000(04)