本文关键词:重构澳大利亚儿童文学作品中的男性气质:1950-2000 出处:《华东师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 男性气质 性别 支配性男性气质 澳大利亚文学 儿童文学
【摘要】:男性气质(男子气概)仅存在于性别范畴。男性气质在性别关系中的主要功能是权力比率功能—男性阶层与女性阶层之间的权力比率,以及占主导地位的男性群体和从属地位的男性群体之间的权力差异。因为现有的男性气质或女性气质的学习活动都需要在婴儿期开始并持续整个童年,所以儿童文学在巩固或挑战现存的文化意识形态方面便具有重要意义,这其中就包括性别认知和男性气质的学习。尽管支配性男性气质(占主导地位的男性气质)试图永久固化与两性身份有关的社会活动,但是男性气质这个概念本身就伴随着社会和文化习俗的变化而变化,而且支配性男性气质和从属性男性气质总是相伴而生。因此,在某一特定文化中的某一特定时期,支配性男性气质和从属性男性气质存在差异甚至对立,对于采用何种形式的男性气质也不尽形同,如大男子主义型,敏感型,异性恋,同性恋,新时代男性,等等。然而这其中只有某一种形式能够占据支配性地位。本论文就是试图找出澳大利亚儿童文学不同时期下的支配性男性气质以及他们是如何在文学作品中体现的。通过发现并分析澳大利亚儿童小说中不同时期的支配性男性气质,可以展现澳大利亚儿童文学中性别关系的发展模式。论文第一章首先介绍儿童文学及其定义,然后指出了性别研究的现状。第二章在界定"男性","男性气质","性别理论"的基础上提出"支配性男性气质"的概念。这一特殊的男性气质包含了作为一个男人最光荣的存在方式并体现在儿童文学作品中。第三章,第四章和第五章是论文的主体部分,将详细阐述"支配性男性气质"在不同时代的特定表现形式。第三章阐释了父权制仍然是20世纪50年代的支配性男性气质,并通过分析儿童小说Good Luck to the Rier来具体阐释。第四章,通过分析儿童小说All We Know所反应的两性关系的显著变化来阐释新的两性关系是建立在互利互惠的基础之上而非等级权力。第五章,儿童小说Bruno and the Crumhorn为读者展现了 20世纪90年代各式各样的男性气质,不仅描写支配性男性气质,而且描写被边缘化的男性气质,引发读者对性别关系的思考。第六章对论文进行总结,并提出了对未来版本的男性气质的设想。
[Abstract]:Masculinity (masculinity) only exists in the category of gender. The main function of masculinity in gender relations is the function of power ratio-the power ratio between the male class and the female class. And power differences between dominant male groups and subordinate male groups, since learning activities with existing masculinity or femininity need to begin in infancy and continue throughout childhood. Therefore, children's literature is of great significance in consolidating or challenging the existing cultural ideology. This includes learning about gender cognition and masculinity, although dominant masculinity (dominant masculinity) attempts to perpetuate social activities related to gender identity. But the concept of masculinity itself changes with the changes of social and cultural customs, and the dominant masculinity and subordinate masculinity always accompany. In a certain period of a particular culture, there are differences or even opposites between dominant male temperament and subordinate male temperament, and there are different forms of masculine temperament, such as male chauvinism. Sensitive, heterosexual, gay, New Age male. However, only one of these forms can occupy the dominant position. This thesis is trying to find out the dominant masculinity in different periods of Australian children's literature and how they are embodied in literature. Through the discovery and analysis of Australian children's novels in different periods of dominant masculinity. The first chapter introduces children's literature and its definition, then points out the current situation of gender studies. The second chapter defines "male". "masculinity". The concept of "dominant masculinity" is put forward on the basis of "gender theory". This special masculinity contains the most glorious way of existence as a man and is embodied in children's literature. Chapter three. Chapter 4th and Chapter 5th are the main part of the thesis. The third chapter explains that patriarchy is still the dominant masculinity in 1950s. And through the analysis of the children's novel Good Luck to the Rier to explain in detail. 4th chapter. By analyzing the significant changes in gender relations reflected in the children's novel All We Know, it is explained that the new gender relationship is based on mutual benefit rather than hierarchical power. Chapter 5th. In 1990s, the children's novel Bruno and the Crumhorn showed readers all kinds of masculinity, not only the dominant masculinity. And the description of the marginalized masculinity leads the reader to think about the gender relationship. Chapter 6th summarizes the thesis and puts forward the assumption of the future version of masculinity.
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