本文关键词:权力与反抗—福柯式解读《瓦解》中人物 出处:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In disintegrate. Cheanu Achibe vividly depicts for the reader a picture of the primitive life of the Nigerian tribe and the impact of the arrival of the colonists on the primitive tribes. Previous studies of novels have focused on feminism and psychoanalysis. Post-colonial theory. The main research object is Ogonkavo, the protagonist. This thesis attempts to analyze the characters in the novel through Foucault's theory of power and resistance. Resistance to different powers and discipline. The main reasons for the disintegration of African primitive tribes are the application of Foucault's theory of power and resistance, the insubjectivity and mobility of power. The discipline of power. But this has not been involved in previous studies. In the theory of resistance to power, Foucault introduced that as long as there is power, there will be resistance to power; The non-subjectivity and mobility of power emphasize the continuous flow of power, and no one can always be the holder of power; The discipline of power refers to the rulers who set up various institutions to discipline the rulers for the rule. This paper mainly discusses three aspects. The first part is the analysis of Ogonkavo. Obi-Enocal and Nvoi's revolt against power. As the master of the novel, Ogonkavo devoted his life to opposing paternity, as long as it was a characteristic of his father, Unoka. At the same time, as the representative of traditional culture, Ogonkavo resisted his own culture invisibly. However, Ogonkavo strongly opposed the arrival of Western missionaries. So much so that he died in the end, and Obi-Enoka did not appear very frequently in the novel "collapse". But he was one of the few wise men in the tribe. He did not simply defend the clan culture but revolted against it. Envoi resisted his clan's traditions firmly and eventually gave up his own. The second part introduces the flow between church and market power. The market plays an important role in the clan and is the gathering point of important events such as referees wrestling competitions and so on. British missionaries went to Umm Ophelia and built courts. As British missionaries expanded their influence. Gradually replaced the status of the clan market. The third part of the analysis of the local religion and missionaries of the clan tribal discipline means. Whether the clan leaders or Christian missionaries are in the discipline of the local people. These include the establishment of a variety of gods, church, school, etc., and the local culture due to its own defects and the British Christian power into the final collapse. The conclusion of this paper is. One of the reasons for the disintegration of the primitive tribes in Africa is the deficiency of their own culture. In addition, the arrival of Western culture, traditional culture can not compete with it, African primitive tribal culture gradually lost its leadership and towards the demise. The decline of culture is the fundamental cause of the disintegration of the whole clan, which is useful for the countries concerned to strengthen their efforts to develop the soft power of culture in the process of modernization.
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