本文选题:《消散》 切入点:复调理论 出处:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Guyana was the first country in the Caribbean to establish diplomatic relations with us, among the six major peoples of Guyana, The Chinese are an important part of the story. Dissipation is a novel by David Darpidine, Guyana's ambassador to China. The diplomat is also a novelist, poet, critic, who studied English literature at Cambridge University. He earned a doctorate from University College London. After graduating from Oxford, David Darbinin was a professor at the University of Warwick in England. He has published seven novels and three anthologies of poetry. His work has won the "Quayle Kuchi Award at Cambridge University" and the "Commonwealth Award", which is regarded as the "Sabuca" of the Caribbean Nobel Prize for Literature. "dissipation" is a masterpiece he wrote in the 1990s. In "dissipation", David Darbinin shows his unique writing techniques, which are repeated in many forms in his later works, so, The understanding of this polyphonic pattern in dissipation not only gives readers a better understanding of David Darpidine's novel dissipation, but also plays a positive role in the structure and re-evaluation of other novels. To promote more research on his works in China, to strengthen the cultural and artistic exchanges between China and Guyana, and to provide cultural conditions for the overall cooperation between China and Latin America. Based on the characteristics of the polyphonic novel theory put forward by Bakhtin and his Poetics of Dostoevsky, This paper mainly analyzes the new author's position and the protagonist's self-consciousness embodied in "dissipation". Especially the large-scale dialogue embodied in the structure of the novel and the relationship between the characters, the micro dialogue in the discourse of the characters and the inner monologue in the novel, and the social problems reflected in the polyphonic miniature dialogue are explored. It is concluded that dissipation has typical polyphonic characteristics. Moreover, this polyphonic feature makes the novel pluralistic, open and conversational.
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