本文选题:《奥德赛》 + 奥德修斯 ; 参考:《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2016年04期
[Abstract]:Analyzing the artistic structure of Odyssey from the aesthetic aspect of geometric elements will break through the interpretation orientation of linear narration and get different geometric composition and aesthetic feeling in space-time dimension. Looking at the aesthetic generation of the geometric structure of Odysseus from the perspective of Odysseus, we will find that, as the central viewpoint of Odysseus goes on, The branch of the relationship between Odysseus and the rest of the main characters formed a different triangular plane in the passage and intersection of the points of view of the center of the structure. Under the theme of "going home", a three-dimensional "triple prism" geometric space is formed. The aesthetic generation of the geometric structure of < Odyssey] not only shows the art of space and the sense of stereoscopic beauty of the work, Moreover, it vividly reproduces the cultural tradition of ancient Greece and shows its eternal aesthetic charm.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学中国语言文学系;
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