本文选题:外国文学研究 + 翻译文学研究 ; 参考:《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年01期
[Abstract]:Many of the achievements of foreign literature studies in China are based on the translation rather than the original works, without realizing that only the study of the original works in foreign languages is the true study of "foreign literature". Since the consciousness of "translation literature", which is divorced from the original text and without the conversion of the original text and the translation, can only adopt the mode of "the writer's theory of works", he is used to the criticism and analysis of the works on the aspects of theme, subject matter, characters, narrative plot, and so on. The subjectivity and appreciation of "comments", mixed, replaced, masked the strict sense of literary research, resulting in foreign literary writers and works of the model, superficial vulgarization defects. In this case, the intervention of translated literature helps to contain and correct this tendency. Only when we have the concept of "translation", can we have the consciousness of "original text", and only when we face the original text, can the study of foreign literature become a real study of "foreign literature".
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学文学院;北京外国语大学中国文化走出去协同创新中心;
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