[Abstract]:In Lu Xun's German collection, A General History of Literature and the small Library of Rick Lemme occupied an important position, giving the Zhou brothers a rich literary nourishment during their stay in Japan. Based on the political ideals of German nationalism and the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany, the literary historian Sheryl put forward the concept of "Germanic Regional Literature" in his far-reaching "A General History of Literature", and advocated the concept of "Germanic region Literature" under the leadership of Germany. World Literature, composed of the literature of various nationalities in the Germanic region. The publishing capital of Rick Lemm further enabled Germany's "World Literature" to be consumed and circulated around the world, spreading far from Japan to Germany in the second half of the 19th century. Capital, theory and political power went hand in hand. To construct the space of "world literature" in Germany in the 19 th century. This space of "world literature" entered the vision of Lu Xun during his stay in Japan and formed the "literature of weak nations" in the future.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院文学研究所;
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