[Abstract]:Julian Barnes is a well-known contemporary British writer whose work has won four nominations for the Booker Prize for the highest prize in British fiction. His masterpiece The Sense of End finally won the prize in 2011. In his book The Sense of End, Tony, a protagonist of nearly sixty years, thinks his life is peaceful and peaceful, but a legacy. The arrival of the will broke his tranquility, he began to reflect on the past years, gradually recognized the true self, and then fell into self-reproach and regret. Tony's self-reflection and self-cognition process actually contains the profound theme of contemporary human subjectivity, which has not yet caused the study. Levinas criticized the Western ontological philosophy characterized by "identity" and advocated ethics based on "responsibility". He proposed that subjectivity should be the subjectivity of "for him" ethics. This paper will analyze Tony's reflection on the past years and his denial of the original self-knowledge in the novel The Sense of End. Tony's younger self-cognition needs are satisfied by sticking to the ego and assimilating the other in order to construct the ontological foundation. Subjectivity on the basis of subjectivity. The essence of subjectivity is "for oneself" and exposes the defects of human nature. Later, the arrival of a will made him gradually out of the self-centered world, and constantly recognized his own incorrect behavior of assimilating the other. Therefore, the subjectivity on the basis of ontology has been constantly challenged. Sex perplexes it and eventually deconstructs it thoroughly. This shows that ontology characterized by "identity" is not the real answer to the question of subjectivity construction. Ethics based on "responsibility" is the proper cornerstone of subjectivity construction. At the end of the novel, although Tony wants to make up for his own fault, the victim concerned has nothing to do with him. It also shows that the construction of the subjectivity of ethics must listen to the call of the other and shoulder the responsibility of the other. In short, the subjectivity revealed in the novel. The question deserves attention, which has profound enlightenment to what kind of subjectivity should be constructed by contemporary people and how to construct it.
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