[Abstract]:The concept of "literary field" has become an important window for the study of literary sociality, reception aesthetics and popular culture. Solzhenitsyn's creation began with a new "literary field" in the post-Stalin era: a new understanding of the "identity" of literature, a new cognition of the aesthetic essence of art, and a new context in which "new enlightenment consciousness" took place. Taking the novel "the Day of Ivan Zenisovich" as an example, the paper shows that the writers' literary texts, which have a strong sense of the times, are full of the strong historical consciousness of the creative subjects and have obvious symptoms of the history of social thought and the history of literature. It shows the new epochal nature of contemporary Russian literature. The significance of the novel is not only a reflection on the Soviet Union's social and political history, but also a new stylistic model created by the writer for the narrative of contemporary Russian literature.
【作者单位】: 北京外国语大学;
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