发布时间:2018-11-02 15:05
[Abstract]:Gothic literature as an important branch of Romantic literature, its independent style has aroused widespread concern. The essence of Gothic literature is, in fact, a kind of "resistance movement" of the lonely individual in the face of idealization. In addition, literature is still in an irrefutable position in modern and contemporary society, especially with the booming development of the film industry, more and more classic Gothic literature works have been moved to the screen. These legendary literary works have high adaptation value. Here, we analyze their similarities and differences according to the detailed narrative methods and the depiction of the picture sense.
【作者单位】: 南京工业大学外国语学院;
[Abstract]:Gothic literature as an important branch of Romantic literature, its independent style has aroused widespread concern. The essence of Gothic literature is, in fact, a kind of "resistance movement" of the lonely individual in the face of idealization. In addition, literature is still in an irrefutable position in modern and contemporary society, especially with the booming development of the film industry, more and more classic Gothic literature works have been moved to the screen. These legendary literary works have high adaptation value. Here, we analyze their similarities and differences according to the detailed narrative methods and the depiction of the picture sense.
【作者单位】: 南京工业大学外国语学院;
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