[Abstract]:The study of Margaret Atwood, a famous Canadian woman writer, is mostly seen in the perspectives of ecology, women and power, while the present study of power mostly thinks about the subject from the aspect of external power, and there is little psychoanalysis. This paper will use the theory of contemporary famous postmodern philosopher Zizek to interpret the process that the subject of "maid" is constructed by ideology in the novel, and to analyze the relationship between subject and power at the spiritual level. This paper analyzes how the nothingness after symbolic castration is filled in by the noble object of "gestation", and then integrates into the symbolic order of the basic countries through the recognition of the externalized self ideals of the Virgin Mary and Jeanne. Create a false sense of mirroring, that is, to think of yourself as an independent, complete subject.
【作者单位】: 中国海洋大学外国语学院;
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